The Making Of... - Credits and Thank Yous

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The Making of…

Credits and Thank Yous

Um, wow, I just finished writing the epilogue, and it still hasn’t really hit that it’s over! Of course, I wouldn’t have gotten this far on my own; I had a support team behind me the whole way! So I guess I’ll just fire ahead with my thank yous…

Well I just want yo sag a super-huge thank you to EVERYONE who’s read my story! Thank you for all the ratings and for keeping those numbers going up! And thanks for sticking it out for so long!

So yeah, ‘The Making of…’ is dedicated to every single reader out there.

So yep, thanks for listening to me babble, I hope you enjoyed ‘The Making of…’ and have had as much fun reading it as I did writing it! Bye!

Ps. If you read all this My sister wanted me to add that she posted a new story on her profile called Angelfire. Angelfire is about a Girl named Akyrah. Akyrah is used to responsibility and handling tough situations, she should be an expert at this point but after moving away from home with her sister things get complicated even for her. Her sister is away for days at end and seems to bring trouble home too often for comfort. Just when she thinks she's got a handle on things, a strange man comes to their apartment and claims Akyrah's sister, Alexia, has stolen something extremely valuable from him and she's shuffled into a reality she never dreamed could exist.  

Oh and she makes covers also. Her user name is XMissbrightSideX. So Please, Please Fan and read her story, it would mean a lot to me. I'll promise I'll try to get in another LOTR story soon. 



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