The Making Of...-Chapter 11-I Never Said That The Drinks Were On Me!

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The Making of…

Chapter 11

I Never Said That The Drinks Were On Me!

After canoeing, we got back to the hotel and the guys agreed to meet down in the reception area at six, and we’d go out to dinner and – as Billy put it – ‘Hit the town’.

I went back to my room and took a shower, before getting ready for the night ahead. I dressed in a lilac, floaty cami top, and my black skinny jeans, topped off with my sandal high heels. I grinned at my reflection and skipped over to my bed, where my phone was lying, and checked my messages. There was one waiting from my agent, Maxine.

‘Hey babes! Sorry I haven’t called you yet but I’ve been super busy! How’s everything going down there?

Maxi xo’

I smiled at the message from my agent and quickly replied.

‘Hiya! Everything’s fantastic! Filming is amazing and everyone is so nice! Thank you so, so much for telling me about this job! You’re such a superstar!

Ki x’

Once I’d sent off the message I looked at the clock on my bedside table – it was almost time to go meet everyone. I grabbed my handbag and turned off the music that was blaring from my speakers before heading downstairs.

Everyone was already gathered by the time I got there, except John – who was going out with some other friends from the set, and Sean Astin, who was spending the night with his family.

“Hey Ki,” Billy smiled, “Ready to go?”

“Yeah.” I grinned, slipping my bag over my shoulder as we left the hotel.

We walked to a restaurant, and halfway through our meal we were recognised by a small group.

“Hey,” A guy nervously said, approaching us flanked by a few of his friends, “You wouldn’t happen to be the guys from The Lord of the Rings, would you?”

“Yeah we are.” I smiled warmly.

“You’re the first people to recognise us!” Orlando laughed.

“People notice Elijah all the time.” Dom pointed out.

“Yeah, but we haven’t been recognised as a group yet.” Orlando argued.

We signed a few signatures for them, they were nice, even though they didn’t really know who we were, they’d just seen the cast list. Maybe with a bit of luck, those signatures would be valuable in the next few years? I smiled to myself as we finished our meal and paid.

“Well guys, we’re officially famous!” Billy whooped once we were walking down the street.

“Being recognised once counts as famous?” Dom chipped in.

“Why not?” I laughed, “Let’s just enjoy it!”

Billy and Dom took us to a bar where we sat down and talked for a while. Orlando and Elijah spotted a couple of girls up at the bar and went to chat to them. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I checked for messages.

‘Hey Ki! Have you been too busy with your hot actors to even text me? Haha!

Luc xo’

I smiled at the message from my best friend and was about to reply when Billy reached across the table and snatched the phone out of my hand.

“Hey!” I cried, “Give that back!” Billy waggled his eyebrows at me and read the message.

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