The Making Of... - Chapter 14 - No Liv! Don't Leave Me With Them!

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The Making of…

Chapter 14

No Liv! Don’t Leave Me With Them!

For the next few days, we continued to take the helicopters into the mountains, so we could film more scenes of us walking. We were just getting to the part where we would have stumbled out of The Mines of Moria, after Gandalf fell, so we all got to be angst-y at that point. I had to bring myself to the verge of tears, but not allow myself to cry as we moved through the scene. Once we had finished, we were whisked away again to do more walking scenes, before we were dropped back at the studio. Just before we headed back to the hotel, Peter jogged over to where we were standing and chatting.

“Hey guys,” He smiled, “I just thought you should know that you have the next two days off.” There was a resounding cheer throughout the group as Pete continued. “Well, everyone except you Kira.”

“Oh.” I sighed, “What do you need me to do?”

“It’s just a short scene showing you walking to Rivendell tomorrow. There aren’t any lines or anything to worry about, so we should have it done quickly.” He replied.

“That’s fine then.” I smiled.

“Tough break Ki.” Billy laughed. I cast him a glare and he smiled sweetly. I honestly didn’t mind working an extra day, but I wouldn’t have minded a lie-in either.


The next day, Peter sent a car to come and pick me up from the hotel. I still hadn’t gotten around to renting my own one, as Viggo always drove me to and from the set without complaint. I was surprised to see Liv waiting in the car park when I arrived.

“Hey Liv,” I smiled, “Are you filming anything today?”

“Yeah, I’m doing the scene where Arwen saves Frodo from the Ringwraiths.” She replied and I nodded. The script had been written so Arwen was the one who saved Frodo, instead of Glorfindel, who rescued him in the books. I supposed Peter wanted to give Liv a bigger part - she deserved it, she was a fantastic actress. She told me that they had been down at the set a few days ago, filming the shots with Elijah. She would be working with his size-double today.

We were driven to the set, which was on the shore of a river. The point we were filming at seemed more like a ford, because this was where the horses would have to cross.

“Hi girls!” Peter waved as we approached the cameras and trailers scattered around. There were also several horseboxes, for the Black Rider’s horses and Arwen's. I was a little jealous that I didn’t get a horse, but I would get one over the course of filming!

Liv and I went and got our makeup on; she had to get a small scratch painted on her cheek, which would have been caused by Arwen being pursued by the Ringwraiths.

“I just realised,” She murmured, “Today is my last day on location for this movie!”

“Really?” I cried sadly.

“Yeah, I’m going home for a few weeks, but I’ll be back for filming in the studio.”

“You can’t leave me alone with the guys! I’ll be the only girl left!” I gasped in mock-horror.

“Don’t worry; I’m sure you’ll survive.” She smiled, as the door to the trailer opened and a coupled of guys holding a camera came in.

“Hey, we’re doing the ‘Making of’ footage for the DVD.” One of the guys said, “Do you mind if we take a few shots in here?”

“Go ahead.” I smiled as Lou pinned in my extensions. They asked us a few questions about how filming was going and things like that, before Liv and I went to get our costumes on. I was just dressed in my regular Rana costume, but Liv was wearing a beautifully intricate elvish outfit.

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