The Making Of... - Chapter 24 - Fixing What Was Broken

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The Making of…

Chapter 24

Fixing What Was Broken

[~This chapter picks up where the last one left off, only this time it’s from Kira’s point of view~]

I sighed as Viggo cradled me in his arms, finally feeling safe for the first time since the phone call. I closed my eyes and rested my head against his chest, matching my breathing to his and listening to his steady heartbeat. I couldn’t believe that he’d stood up to Andrew like that… I could never do anything like that, and now… I felt like I wasn’t so afraid anymore. Viggo had promised not to let him hurt me, and I trusted him.

“Are you alright?” He asked quietly after a few moments. I nodded.

“Thank you.” I whispered, wrapping my arms around him and hugging him tightly. He hugged me in return and rested his head on top of mine.

“It was nothing… I’m just glad you’re ok.” He murmured, sitting back on the sofa and pulling me with him. I was a little startled by how easy it was to be so close to Viggo… It just felt natural. I could feel exhaustion setting in, but I didn’t want to sleep, it felt too early.

“Do you want something to eat?” He asked, and I began to realise how hungry I was. As if responding to my thoughts, my stomach growled loudly and I blushed.

“Yeah… That would be great.” I replied, ducking my head in embarrassment as he laughed. He released me and untangled himself from my embrace as he stood.

“I’ll just go see what’s in my trailer.” He smiled, “I’ll be back in a moment.” I nodded and watched him leave, listening to his footfalls die away outside the trailer. I jumped as my phone began to ring on the table… It was as if he knew I was alone.

***Viggo’s Point of View***

I searched through the cupboards in my trailer before producing a couple of cans of soup. They would have to do if I wanted to get back to Kira quickly. I still wasn’t comfortable leaving her alone; she still seemed so vulnerable… As I left the trailer and shut the door behind me, I ran into Orlando outside.

“Vig!” He smiled, “How’s Ki?”

“Better.” I replied.

“What was wrong?” He asked curiously, and I debated on whether or not to tell him the truth. Kira hadn’t exactly said that it was to be kept a secret, but I had a feeling that she wouldn’t like the information to be spread around. I settled on giving him a rough idea, as he was already involved anyway.

“She got a call this morning from her ex-boyfriend.” I sighed, “And she’s pretty frightened of him. From what I could gather, he was quite abusive when they were together.” My hands balled into fists as I remembered what she had told me. How could anyone do that to her?

“That’s awful…” Orlando murmured staring at the ground. “She’s ok now though, right?”

“Yeah,” I sighed, “She’s pretty shaken up, but she seems alright.”

“Good.” He smiled, and then checked his watch. “I’ve got to go,” He sighed, “I’ll see you later!” He waved before jogging off. I walked quickly back to Kira’s trailer, before I even had a hand on the door, I could hear her raised voice inside. He’d phoned again. What had I been thinking? How could I leave her alone when there was still a risk? I’d promised not to let him hurt her again… It looked like I’d already broken that promise. I opened to door and walked in, and I saw Kira pacing the floor with the phone pressed to her ear.

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