The Making Of... - Chapter 26 - Meet the Family

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The Making of…

Chapter 26

Meet the Family

One morning, Viggo and I were sitting in our makeup bus, getting ready for our scenes for the day. We were beginning work on some of the Lothlórien scenes, which meant Craig Parker – who played Haldir – was back. We would be doing a few shots with him today, and tomorrow Cate was coming back to do her scene. I was half-asleep in my chair as Lou dabbed mud on my face, when Viggo pulled me out of my sleepy haze.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you,” He began as I sat up in my chair, “Remember how I said my son was going to fly over for a few days to watch us film?”

“Yeah… Henry, right?” I murmured.

“Right,” He smiled, “Well, he’s arriving tomorrow.”

“Great.” I grinned, casting a glance at the ever-growing collection of photos that Viggo kept around his mirror, spotting the few of him and his son.

The day of filming passed quickly, and before I knew it, I was perched in my makeup chair the next morning, being heftily abused by Lou and her supply of fake blood.

“Easy on the gore Lou!” I laughed, “It’s just supposed to be a head injury, it’s not meant to look like my brain is about to fall out!” For some reason, this only seemed to encourage her… As soon as she was finished, I dashed off to get my costume on, and afterwards, hauled myself into the studio.

“Morning Ki!” Peter called as I collapsed into my chair with a yawn.

“Mm?” I mumbled through my yawn.

“What’s gotten you so sleepy?” Orlando asked.

“Well apart from the fact that it’s 7am…” I muttered, “Viggo wasn’t in the bus this morning, which meant he couldn’t bring me my morning coffee.”

“And you couldn’t just go get it yourself?” He asked, I fired him as sceptical glance.

“Do you really think I’m in any condition to get off my ass at this ungodly hour and handle hot liquids? I could end up causing a worldwide catastrophe. Quite easily.” He laughed and went of to talk to Pete whilst I dozed in my chair.

“Morning sleepyhead.” I heard Viggo say as he gave me a nudge and I looked up at him.

“Meh?” I mumbled, rubbing my bleary eyes.

“Severe lack of caffeine? He questioned with a smile.

“Severe.” I repeated.

“Good thing I brought this then.” He laughed, handing me a steaming polystyrene cup.

“Where the hell would I be without you Vig?” I sighed happily, sipping my coffee.

“Probably still asleep in the makeup bus for most mornings.” He replied, sitting down beside me.

“Om nom nom caffeine…” I mumbled blissfully.

“You can’t om nom nom a drink.” Viggo commented with a smirk.

“I can om nom nom whatever I damn well please.” I retorted, downing the last remains of my coffee as Pete appeared.

“Will you two stop yakking gibberish and get onto the set?” He smiled.

“Aye, aye captain.” I mock-saluted as I stood and we made our way over to the gigantic wooden Elvish leaf that we were supposed to be standing on. “So where’s Henry?” I asked Viggo as we prepared for the scene.

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