The Making Of... - Chapter 57 - Life in Technicolor

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The Making of…

Chapter 57

Life in Technicolor

I slipped my emerald-green contact lenses in for what would be the last time… Until post production anyway. I couldn’t help but think back to the first day, over eighteen months ago, when I had had my makeup applied for the very first time. I remembered how startled I’d been over the painstaking details that Lou and the other makeup artists took to make sure we looked authentic. Day in, day out. I thanked her quietly as I stood and made my way out of the bus to get my costume on. I loved my costume… It was almost like a second skin. I smiled as I slipped my arms through the sleeves of the tunic and went to look in the tall mirror. I wasn’t wearing my full costume today, just a simplified, yet slightly more elegant version. My last scene was to be the scene where Rana admits her feelings for Aragorn; Peter had been saving this one for last. I smiled as I ruffled my hair and made my way onto the set. The upper level of Minas Tirith had been recreated in the studio, and I went and leant against the fake white stone wall as I waited for Viggo. He would be taking a while because he had to get his coronation armour on. This wasn’t his last scene – his would be the very last… Tomorrow. We were into the final twenty four hours of filming; the wrap party was tomorrow night. I smiled as I spotted a crowd gathering behind the cameras. Orlando, Elijah, Billy, Dom and Erin, Sean and his family, Ian, John, Sean and Raven, Bernard, Miranda and Karl and Rylee – My Fellowship. I waved at them and then spotted Viggo walking towards me, dressed in his silver ceremonial armour and elaborate crown.

“Nice crown.” I smiled as he jogged up the steps to join me on the raised set.

“Thanks.” He murmured softly, gently kissing my forehead. He knew how upset I was inside, and how hard I was trying to hide it.

“Alright guys, are you ready to start?” Peter asked quietly.

“As ready as I’ll ever be Pete.” I sighed, feeling Viggo gently squeeze my shoulder as he disappeared out of shot. The cameras had been set up so we didn’t need to stop and start the scene, we could just run through it. The lighting dimmed until it looked like the light that would be cast off the sunset that would be added in via CGI later, and Peter gave me a nod as I took a few steps back so I could make my entrance.


I walked slowly along the avenue, until I almost reached the end. I kept my facial expression one of contemplative sadness as I leant on the wall and pretended to watch the sunset. I pretended to be deep in thought, as I heard Viggo approach me from behind.

“Rana?” He murmured quietly, and I feigned surprise at his appearance as he leant against the wall beside me, but I did not look at him, as I was supposed to be trying to hide my feelings. “There is something bothering you.” He stated.

“It’s nothing.” I mumbled.

“Rana, I know you too well, something is wrong.”

“I’m fine.” I insisted, and he replied with his line, and we moved through the scene, building up the tension until we came to the confession.

“Why do you think our relationship would change for the worse?” Viggo asked.

“Because I’m in love with you!” I cried tearfully, stepping away from him to make it look like I was about to run back along the avenue, but he caught my arm and pulled me back.

“Rana…” He murmured softly, pulling me gently towards him. I looked down at the ground, refusing to meet his gaze. “Did I prove nothing to you when I kissed you?”

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