The Making Of... - Chapter 15 - A Change Of Location

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The Making of…

Chapter 15

A Change of Location

As it was going to be Liv’s last night in New Zealand for a while, the cast decided to go out for drinks after dinner. We found ourselves back in the bar we had been in around a week ago, sitting around a large table. I was sitting between Viggo and Liv and was chatting to Liv as much as I could, as I had realised how much I would miss her when she was gone.

“Don’t worry,” She smiled, “I’ll be back in a few weeks, you won’t even notice the time go by!”

“Yeah…” I sighed, “But you’re leaving me alone with a bunch of guys! I’m not going to have any girls to talk to!” It was true, there were very few women on set apart from Liv, Lou and Lani – I often wondered why their names all began with ‘L’, was I missing something here?

“You’ll be fine.” She assured me with an easy smile as Orlando caught her attention and they started talking. Elijah told me it was my turn to go buy the drinks, so I went to stand, but Viggo caught my arm.

“Stay out of trouble this time, ok?” He grinned as I rolled my eyes.

“Sure thing.” I smiled. I returned with the drinks quickly and handed them out, before edging back to my seat.

“So,” Billy said, leaning over the table to talk to Viggo and myself as I sat down again, “I hear you two went fishing today.”

“Yeah.” Viggo replied as Dom leaned over to me.

“Did Vig show you his rod?” He asked with a mischievous smirk.

“Shut it Dom!” I cried, flicking his forehead.

“Hey!” He cried in defence, “It was a perfectly innocent question!”

“I know an innuendo when I hear one.” I muttered, glaring daggers at him as I sipped my drink.

“In-your-end-o…” He hissed under his breath.

“Your mum.” I retorted with a smirk as I heard him and Billy giggle hysterically. “Idiots…” I muttered, sinking back in my chair; I could almost hear Viggo rolling his eyes at us. How was I going to survive this without Liv?

Some time after that, someone decided that it would be a good idea to go back to Elijah’s hotel room and watch a movie. We ended up watching ‘Armageddon’- one of Liv’s biggest films, and at some point after that (roughly around three in the morning), Billy and Dom thought it would be a good idea to try and get everyone to play charades. I’m pretty sure I fell asleep sometime during that… I wasn’t winning anyway.


I woke up the next morning on a sofa that was becoming increasingly familiar to me. I yawned and sat up, wondering how I’d gotten into Viggo’s room. I sleepily looked around and spotted him still asleep in his bed across the room. I walked to the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water to wake myself up, before wandering back to the room and seeing Viggo sitting up.

“Good morning.” I smiled cheerfully, holding back laughter at the sight of his messy hair. And I’d thought Ihad a bad bed-head!

“Hey, you’re awake.” He yawned with a smile as he clambered out of bed. I went back over to the sofa and folded the blanket he’d covered me with.

“So, erm… How exactly did I get here?” I asked awkwardly, blushing a little.

“Oh, you fell asleep in Lij’s room and I didn’t have your key, so I figured you would be fine with staying here.”

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