The Making Of... - Chapter 39 - Being the Bigger Person

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The Making of…

Chapter 39

Being the Bigger Person

Several days after the incident at the stables, we moved on to filming the scenes of us riding across the Plains of Rohan. The extras were still around, as we continued to do touch-up shots wherever we had free time, so I was still forced to spend time in the company of Courtney. I couldn’t escape her, everywhere I went on set, she was there. Any time I tried to talk to Viggo, she swooped in and snatched him away. She wasn’t even being slightly subtle about the fact that she wanted him for herself; because she knew I couldn’t compete with her. My self-esteem plummeted when she was around, towering over me with her model-length legs, allowing her a better perspective so she could look down on me.

One day, after filming had finished and I’d taken off my makeup and costume, I went looking for Viggo. I knew he’d be hanging around the horseboxes, and as I approached them, I heard a high-pitched, fake laugh. How was she always a step ahead of me? I turned a corner and saw them.

“Viggo that’s hilarious!” She cried, running her manicured hand up his arm in a manner that was all too friendly for my liking. I couldn’t miss his startled expression though, as he very slightly backed away from her, but I’d already seen enough to make my stomach twist with some unknown emotion. Jealousy? Hell no. Why should I be jealous of her?

I turned on my heel and walked away. I couldn’t talk to Viggo when she was around anyway. As I stalked angrily back to my trailer, I passed Raven - she and Sean had been hanging around the set for the past few days.

“Hey Kira! Ki!” She called after me, but I didn’t listen. I was in no mood to talk to anyone. “Kira wait up!” She cried, running after me as I reached my trailer and yanked the door open. I felt bad for ignoring her, but right now I needed to go scream into a pillow. I slammed the door behind me and quickly walked over to my bed, kicked off my shoes, and proceeded to collapse face-down onto my duvet. Seconds later, Raven burst in though the door. “What’s gotten you so moody?” She grumbled as I grabbed a pillow and buried my face in it.

“Go ‘way.” I muttered into the pillow.

“No, what’s going on?” She asked.

“Nothing, I’m totally fine. Can’t you tell?” I replied sarcastically.

“Sarcasm won’t get you anywhere missy.” Raven scolded me in a stern tone.

“‘Missy’?” I grumbled, “Do you really have to know?”

“Yeah, I do. What’s gotten you so upset?”

“Oh nothing, just the fact that I’m fighting a battle that I’m losing.” I sighed, giving the pillow a punch and sitting up a little.

“You’re doing what-now?” She stared at me as if I was spouting gibberish. I flopped back down onto my pillow.

“Mrrrph…” I sighed.

“I can’t hear you when you’re mumbling into a pillow Ki.” I looked up and propped my face up on my arm.

“I’m losing Viggo to a blonde bimbo.” I groaned, burying my face in my hands.

“What? But things were going so well!” Raven cried, sitting cross-legged at the foot of my bed.

“That’s what I thought… But then she turned up.” I grumbled into my palms.

“Is this the extra that always seems to be hanging around him?”

“Yeah… Courtney.” I spat, her name leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

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