The Making Of... - Chapter 53 - Viva La Vida

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The Making of…

Chapter 53

Viva La Vida

Sunlight streamed through a crack in the curtains, warming a strip of the bare skin on my back as I woke from my deep sleep and blinked in the morning light. Judging by the angle of the light, it was already late morning. My head rested on Viggo’s bare chest and my arms curled around him, whilst he had one arm around my waist. Last night had quite possibly been one of the most amazing nights of my life, and I was still on a high after it. I smiled to myself and sighed softly, causing Viggo to stir slightly, it appeared that he was already awake.

“Good morning.” He murmured softly, his fingers gently trailing through my hair as I smiled.

“Good morning.” I echoed, lifting my head from its resting place so I could look up at him. He brushed my tousled hair out of my face with one hand and smiled.

“I love you.” He whispered before lightly kissing my lips.

“Love you too.” I sighed happily as he pulled away and wrapped his free arm around my shoulders. Absentmindedly, I allowed my fingers to trace random patterns across his chest until his hand covered mine and he held my palm against his steadily beating heart. It reminded me of what we’d done in the scene where I’d first kissed him, although his heart had been beating considerably faster then. Viggo kissed the top of my head and sighed softly.

“What shall we do today then?” He asked as I smiled.

“Can’t we just stay here?” I mumbled, cuddling close to his chest.

“In bed?”

“Why not?”

“But I’m hungry…” He whined childishly as I laughed.

“Alright, alright…” I sighed, “How about pancakes?”

“Pancakes would be amazing.” He grinned as I sat up and tousled my hair as I looked around for something to wear. My eyes settled on Viggo’s shirt, lying on the floor a few feet away.

“How did that get there?” I murmured to myself.

“I think you threw it in a fit of passion.” Viggo joked as I picked it up and pulled it on.

“It was a rhetorical question.” I smirked as I buttoned it.

“So you’re stealing my clothes again?” He asked as he propped himself up on one elbow to watch me.

“Are you suggesting that I cook naked? Ouch, think of the burns!” I winced comically as he laughed.

“Ok, safety first then.” He grinned as I started preparing the pancake batter. I set a frying pan on the cooker and poured a generous amount of batter in.

“What do you want with the pancakes?” I asked as I peered into the fridge, “Blueberries?”

“Yes please.” He smiled from his spot and I rolled my eyes as I tossed a few of the small fruits into the pan and poured the rest into the batter bowl.

“Would you like it served on a silver platter too?” I teased.

“If it’s not too much trouble.” He joked whilst I grabbed the handle of the pan.

“Get ready for this.” I grinned as I shook the pan to dislodge the pancake, before expertly flipping it. It landed back in the pan with a satisfying ‘splat’ sound and I smirked victoriously as Viggo clapped.

The Making Of... (Lord of the Rings)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora