The Making Of... - Chapter 7 - Goodbye to Rivendell

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The Making of…

Chapter 7

Goodbye to Rivendell

Viggo and I talked our way through the forest scene in front of Peter as a rehearsal, and then walked along the path together once the cameras started rolling. After Peter yelled ‘Cut’ for the fourth time, I began to think that I was doing something wrong.

“Something isn’t quite right…” Pete mumbled half to himself.

“Is it something I’m doing?” I asked, feeling my paranoia reside as he shook his head.

“No… It’s not that… It just seems like there’s no… Sign of intimacy between you two.” He finished, seeming to finally figure out what was off about the scene.

“I thought Rana and Aragorn weren’t supposed to fall in love until the third movie?” Viggo asked, sounding puzzled.

“Yes, but you’re very close friends.” Peter mumbled, walking up to us and standing in front of us. “Viggo, try putting your arm around Kira’s shoulders.” He said, frowning in concentration.

I leant a little against Viggo’s side as he wrapped one arm around my shoulders and looked at Peter, who shook his head. “No, that’s not right… Try your arm around her waist, you do the same Ki.” I couldn’t hold back my slight blush this time as Viggo’s arm curled around my waist and I wrapped my own around his. “No, that just looks awkward.” Pete said after a moment.

“Why don’t we just hold hands?” Viggo suggested, releasing my waist and linking his fingers through mine. Peter nodded a little.

“Yeah, let’s try that,” He said, jogging back to his chair. As the cameras started rolling again and we walked down the path, talking through the scene, I saw out of the corner of my eye that Peter was nodding in approval.

“Cut!” He yelled, “That was great guys! That’s all for today!” He smiled and I looked at Viggo with a grin, we practically had the afternoon off! We said goodbye to Peter and the crew and began to walk back to the trailers. As we walked into the car park, I noticed with startling realisation that I was still holding Viggo’s hand!

“Sorry…” I mumbled, letting my fingers slip away from his.

“It’s alright.” He smiled, “I didn’t notice until now!”

I blushed a little and laughed along with him; holding his hand had felt so natural that I barely knew I was doing it! I explained it to myself by saying that I was still in character, but there was something niggling at the back of my mind that I couldn’t put my finger on…


The next day we were back on set, along with the rest of the Fellowship, including Hugo and Liv. We were filming the scene where the Fellowship leave Rivendell to go on their quest. The pony that was going to be playing Bill had arrived and I was busy making a fuss over him whilst Elijah, Sean, Dom and Billy were kneeling on the ground, trying to work out a camera trick so they would look short. This was going to be my first scene with anyone apart from Viggo and Hugo, so I was naturally a little nervous. It would also be the only scene where the whole Fellowship was together on the Rivendell set, as the council scene would be filmed in a studio.

“Right guys, we’re ready to start!” Peter announced, “Let’s give it a quick run-through first!”

I gave the pony a quick scratch on the forehead and jogged towards where Peter and Hugo were standing behind the camera, as we would be entering the shot from that direction. We rehearsed the scene twice, and then when I was once again in position, Peter yelled ‘Action’.

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