The Making Of... - Chapter 50 - An Unpleasant Awakening

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The Making of…

Chapter 50

An Unpleasant Awakening

“Hey Kira! Vig! Wake up! Jeez, did you two spend the whole night out here?” I heard Orlando mutter through my sleepy haze. I frowned in confusion and rolled over, but stopped halfway. I panicked as I realised that I was trapped in something, but then the claustrophobia gave way to mild amusement as I realised that I was caught between the sleeping bag and Viggo. I cracked one eye open and peered blearily up at Orlando – who was shining a torch at us.

“Piss off, it’s still dark.” I muttered, rolling back to Viggo and nestling against his chest as he began to wake up.

“Yeah it’s still dark Einstein, did you forget why we’re here? We’re filming a sunrise.” Orlando sighed sarcastically.

“I’m not in the scene…” I grumbled.

“Viggo is.” He retorted as I clung to my sleeping companion. “Get up.”

“No.” I moaned rubbing my eyes sleepily, “Put that torch away.” He responded by shining the bright light in my eyes.

“Alright, I’m coming…” Viggo groaned, sitting up and pulling me with him. “What time is it?”

“Just after 4am, the sun’s rising in forty minutes, so shift your asses.” Orlando replied.

“Wait… How much sleep did we get?” I asked, shivering as I slipped out of the sleeping bag. The morning was cold after the cloudless night, and I was already missing Viggo’s body heat.

“Two, maybe three hours, give or take.” He replied, “Now, up.” He demanded as Viggo and I rose to our feet. I bundled up the sleeping bag that still held pockets of warmth and hugged it to myself. “C’mon Vig, makeup time.” Orlando said as we followed him through the dark over to the bus.

“You can go to the tent and catch some sleep if you want.” Viggo murmured to me, but I shook my head.

“No, I don’t think I’d be able to get back to sleep.” I sighed, throwing the sleeping bag into our tent as we passed it. We climbed up into the bus and I slumped down in my chair, yawning my head off as the makeup artists started working on Viggo, Orlando and John. “Why is the sun rising so bloody early?” I grumbled, running my hands through my tangled hair. John started explaining something about hemispheres, but I was too tired to listen properly. Instead I stared at the walls which were totally plastered with photographs of our time on the set. It mainly consisted of photos that Viggo had taken, but there were a few others littered around. I smiled as I spotted one of Viggo and I smiling at the camera as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. I couldn’t remember if it had been taken before or after we had entered our relationship, he’d always been very affectionate – I supposed it explained a lot. I caught sight of another one that had obviously been taken recently, as in it; Viggo was kissing the side of my forehead and hugging me tightly as I laughed with embarrassment. There were also a few that made me laugh, ones that had been taken during some of our night-shooting, I’d fallen asleep in my chair and Viggo had started taking photos of me (I later accused him of being a pervert for it) there we some of me surrounded by the Stunties in Uruk-Hai costumes pulling ridiculous poses whilst I slept on – totally unaware.

As I stared at the walls, I felt Viggo wrap his arms around my neck and kiss the top of my head.

“I’m just going to go get my costume on.” He smiled as I turned to him.

“Ok.” I smiled, “I’ll probably go change too, I’m all muddy from last night.” I grinned as I plucked at the shirt I’d borrowed from him.

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