The Making Of... - Chapter 4 - Scenes and Swordfights

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The Making of…

Chapter 4

Scenes and Swordfights

“Right,” Peter began as we made our way onto the set. “Were going to film you walking through the archway here, into the courtyard,” He pointed to the ‘stone’ archway that marked the entrance. “And then Hugo is going to come up to you and you will say-”

“Suilaid, hir Elrond.” I replied with my elvish line that I had looked over while I was in makeup. “And I ‘bow respectfully’.” I smiled, quoting the command from the script.

“Yep, and then blah, blah, blah, you hug Hugo and then blah, blah, blah you walk off and that’s the scene done!” Pete smiled and I nodded as Hugo walked up to us in an amazing Elrond costume.

“Ready to go?” He smiled.

“Erm… Yeah I guess so.” I mumbled, suddenly feeling nervous.

“Right, so go stand outside the entrance, where that camera is, and we’ll do a quick rehearsal.”

Peter talked Hugo and I through the movements of the scene, and after coaching us through a rehearsal, the cameras started rolling.

“And… Action!” He shouted from his director’s chair.

I walked through the archway, conscious of the camera filming me from behind, and the other two in the courtyard. I looked around, like it had said in the script, feeling myself slip into character and allowing myself to behave as Rana would. I looked to where Hugo was now walking towards me and smiled.

“Suilaid, hir Elrond.” I murmured, bowing, just like we had rehearsed.

“Le suilon, Rana.” He said, I waited for Hugo to tilt my chin upwards. As he did I looked up at him and smiled, before throwing my arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.

“It has been too long, I’m glad to be back.” I sighed, acting joyful as I pulled back.

“I am glad also; you have been missed these past few years.” Hugo replied in perfect character.

“I must ask, why did you summon me here?” I asked, arching my eyebrows curiously.

“All will become clear soon.” Hugo murmured in a mysterious tone. “For now, you should rest. You will find your room and all your possessions exactly how you left them.”

“Hannon le, but I would rather take a short walk, I have missed these woods.”

I looked around as I said the line, to re-enforce the point.

“As you wish, for now, Namárië” Hugo murmured, walking out of shot.

“Farewell.” I whispered, then turned to look around the courtyard, and directed my gaze at a small stone bench that would play a part in the next scene, a flashback to when Rana and Aragorn first met.

“Cut!” Peter yelled and I looked up, “That was great! Can we do it once more, just to be sure?”

Six takes later, I realised that Peter could be very specific at times, and if he said ‘once more’, he usually meant a lot more takes.

“Cut!” He shouted again, “Fantastic guys, that’s all for this scene, go grab some lunch and I’ll see you later.”

I hadn’t realised that it was lunchtime already; the time had just flown by.

“Great acting.” Hugo smiled as he approached me.

“Thanks, you were brilliant!” I grinned shyly. “I was getting a little worried that we had to do so many takes though…”

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