The Making Of... - Chapter 37 - So Cliche...

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The Making of…

Chapter 37

So Cliché…

He rapped lightly on the door, two sharps taps. I walked towards it and reached out a hand, grasping the handle and pushing it down as my heart pounded in my ears. I took a breath to steady myself then pulled the door open. Viggo stood there in a clean navy shirt and a dark jacket and jeans, self-consciously brushing a strand of his hair out of his eyes.

“Hey.” He smiled naturally, making me forget why I had been nervous.

“Hi.” I smiled in return, slipping my bag onto my shoulder and stepping across the threshold, quietly closing the door behind me.

“Ready to go?” He asked.

“Yeah,” I nodded, “Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.” He grinned, walking down the steps from my trailer and I followed. We walked towards the car park but passed both our cars. “It’s not far.” He smiled after noticing my confused expression. He guided me along the road and we walked in silence for a few minutes. He didn’t seem to find the silence awkward, but I found myself trying to think of something to say, which was odd, as we were both normally content with silence. “You look really nice.” He said softly, pulling me away from my thoughts. I blushed and smiled.

“Thanks, I got attacked by Raven.” I joked weakly as he smiled and we once again slipped into silence. As we walked on, the streets started getting busier as we were getting close to the centre of Wellington. We dodged groups of people who were hanging around outside clubs and bars, and I tried not to get jostled as we walked beneath a series of neon signs advertising stuffy little nightclubs. Out of the corner of my eye I could see people being turned away at doors by bouncers, and a group of grumpy-looking young men who had just been rejected elbowed their way past me. I stumbled and almost tripped, but Viggo had already caught my arm.

“Are you ok?” He asked as I straightened my dress.

“Um, yeah… Thanks.” I smiled nervously as he gently pulled me away from the crowds and on to a quieter street. We walked on before he stopped abruptly and I walked straight into his elbow. “Ouch.” I grumbled, rubbing my bumped nose.

“Sorry,” He smiled, “Here we are.” He gestured to the small building we stood in front of. Small, dimly glowing blue lights decorated the red brick outside walls along with a few potted plants. He took my hand – prompting a blush to rise to my cheeks – and lead me through the door. Inside there were more blue lights, and more potted plants, and more red brick walls – it seemed like a consistent theme. Viggo released my hand as he said something to a waiter, and we were shown to a small table that stood beside a small, polished wood dance floor, which was positioned in front of a low stage. Viggo pulled out my chair for me as I sat down and I smiled shyly at him as he walked around the table and sat down. There was a candle sitting in the centre of the table, a plain tea light flickering in a small blue glass jar, and the dim light from it cast an eerie glow that illuminated the table. The restaurant was quiet, with only a few couples sitting at the tables around us who were murmuring quietly amongst themselves, apart from two people who appeared to be trying to suck each other’s faces off - which is exactly what I need to see before I eat dinner, not. I turned back to Viggo and raised an eyebrow as he laughed quietly and picked up a menu.

We ordered our meal and I shrugged off my jacket as I began to warm up. Viggo reached across the table, and I looked at him in surprise, until I realised that he was just brushing a strand of my unruly hair behind my ear. My skin tingled where he touched me and I felt my cheeks redden.

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