The Making Of... - Chapter 12 - Snow, Snow, Snow!

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The Making of…

Chapter 12

Snow, Snow, Snow!

I blinked awake and yawned, rolling over in my half-asleep daze. My eyes flew open as I toppled onto the floor.

“Ouch…” I mumbled, sitting up and realising that I’d just tumbled off a sofa and was sitting tangled in a blanket, wearing the clothes I’d been wearing the night before. I looked around at the slightly unfamiliar room before remembering where I was.

“You ok Ki?” I heard Viggo say as I stood up and yawned.

“Yep… ‘Morning Vig.” I murmured, tousling my hair sleepily.

“You fell asleep during the movie last night.” He explained. Sounded like typical me. He walked over and set a mug of coffee on the table in front of me before sitting down on the sofa. He’d obviously been awake for a while, as he had changed into fresh clothes.

“I assume we don’t have to be on set today.” I sighed, sitting down beside him and sipping my coffee.

“Nope.” He smiled, “I think Billy would have died if he’d had to get up this morning!” He laughed as I looked at him questioningly. “He’s in the room next door, I heard him stumble in at about three this morning!”

I laughed a little and heard a phone ring.

“Oh that’s mine…” Viggo muttered, hauling himself off the sofa and going to find his phone. “Hey Pete.” He said after answering, I listened in to the one-sided conversation. “Yeah it was great thanks… No… Alright, sure that’s fine… Yeah, sure I’ll tell her… Ok, see you tomorrow! Bye Pete!” He smiled before hanging up.

“Was that about where we’re filming next?” I asked as he sat back down beside me.

“Yeah, we’re all meeting at the studios tomorrow morning, getting our costumes on and then we’re getting in helicopter to go up to the top of a mountain!”

“Seriously?” I laughed, “That’s epic!”

“Yeah he said it was for the road to Caradhras scenes.”

“Brilliant!” I smiled, nestling down on the sofa to stop myself bouncing up and down. I was going in a helicopter tomorrow! The only other time I’d been in a helicopter was when I was thirteen; I’d fallen off a horse and was knocked unconscious, I had to be taken away by air-ambulance. I never really counted it as an experience, as I’d been unconscious the whole time, so tomorrow was going to be fun!


The next day I was standing in full costume and makeup, beside Viggo, Sean, and Orlando, waiting for our helicopter to arrive. The ‘Hobbits’ had already left in theirs, and John, Ian and Peter had gone off in another. I glanced over at Sean, who was looking pretty uncomfortable.

“You ok Bean?” I asked.

“Uh… I’m not the best with… Flying.” He mumbled awkwardly.

“I’m sure you’ll be fine.” I smiled as a helicopter landed in the car park not far from us. “Wow, it’s loud!” I laughed as we ran to it and clambered in. As we found our seats, I saw Sean give his seatbelt an experimental tug. “It’s fine.” I assured him, “It’s all perfectly safe.” He nodded uneasily as I took the seat beside him. He was tense for the whole flight, and I could see the terror in his eyes when we hit some turbulence. Everyone’s afraid of something I suppose. I guess Sean was afraid of flying. As we got out he shook himself vigorously.

“I am not getting back on that thing…” He muttered.

“You have to get back somehow mate.” Orlando reminded him, “And we have about a week of filming to do up here.”

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