The Making Of... - Chapter 23 - Fragile Strength

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The Making of…

Chapter 23

Fragile Strength

I woke on the morning after the party at around 8am. If I hadn’t been working on this film, I would have considered it unusually early, but I was used to the 5am wakeup call, so I considered this a lie-in!

I went and took a shower, before dressing in a casual pair of skinny jeans and a t-shirt; slipping my phone into my pocket as I hopped out of the trailer and went to see if anyone else was awake yet. As I was walking across the studio car park (where our trailers ‘lived’) towards the main building, I caught sight of Viggo and Liv standing outside the door in full costume.

“Morning guys!” I smiled cheerfully. “I didn’t know we were filming today?” I said, my sentence forming into a question as I spoke.

“We weren’t supposed to, but Pete wanted to get a head start on the Elrond’s Chamber scenes.” Viggo explained. “Liv, Sean and I are doing our shots today, and you and I are doing ours tomorrow.”

“Great.” I smiled as someone came to tell them that Peter was waiting. “See you later!” I called as they went into the studio. I yawned a little and then decided to do something useful as I wandered back towards the cluster of trailers.

Over the course of the morning, I ran a few errands for people, and had just finished bringing coffee to the crew when everyone decided to take a break for lunch. I ran into Viggo outside our makeup bus.

“Hey.” He smiled, “I just have to get some of my makeup touched up, and then we can grab something to eat.”

“Sure thing.” I replied as he climbed into the bus. I walked slowly back in the direction of my trailer, not feeling the need to rush anywhere. I stopped and leant against the outer wall of my trailer, basking in the early afternoon sun as I waited for Viggo. Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I looked at the screen, frowning at the unfamiliar number that flashed up. Maybe it was a call centre or something…

“Hello?” I answered in a cheerful tone.

“Hello Kira.” A male voice leered softly.

I gasped in alarm. I knew who it was. I knew that voice. Just the sound of it brought back memories that sent chills up my spine.

“What do you want?” I whispered fearfully, trying to keep my tone normal, and failing as my voice shook. My hands began to tremble as they broke out in a cold sweat. A thousand emotions flooded my mind; terror, anger, confusion – to name a few.

“I heard you’re doing pretty well for yourself now.” He murmured. I could almost hear the smile in his voice.

“Cut the crap Andrew.” I growled, my anger suddenly breaking though my fear, although I still shook like a leaf. “I thought I made my feelings perfectly clear the last time we met. I never, ever want to see you, or hear your voice again!” I spat the last few words as tears sprang to my eyes.

“Now don’t be that way-”

“Shut up!” I cried, “What will it take for you to leave me alone? How the hell did you find me?”

“I have my ways.” He answered ominously.

“Just leave me alone!” I screamed into the phone, roughly slamming the ‘end call’ button and throwing my phone against the wall of the trailer opposite me, where it made an audible cracking sound and shattered into three separate pieces. I could no longer hold myself up. My legs felt like they were made of straw as I slid down the wall of my trailer to the ground, tears falling freely and unchecked from my eyes as I trembled and sobbed into my hands.

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