A Wolf's Spirit

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I know this girl.

Who I met right on Wattpad.

A girl who is courageous and strong.

She told me she never cries.

Doesn't feel any emotions.

Isn't afraid to beat someone's private part.

This girl.

Who's spirit animal is a wolf.

Which stands tall with pride and strength.

Even though she thinks she's a rock.

And anything else you say to yourself.

If you're reading this, please listen to what I say.

Just because you don't cry.

Doesn't mean you're a rock.

It just means you're strong.

Similar to your spirit animal.

Who keeps running even when injured.

To protect beloved family and friends before yourself.

I may only know you for a couple of months.

But I've got to know you enough.

Enough to know you're not what you seem.

You seem harsh and cold on the outside to someone.

Though you're just sensitive.

Liking to stay a good distant away.

You have a spirit of a wolf.

Strong and bold.

But kind and protective.

Just always remember.

When all hope and light is gone.

Follow your wolf spirit that leads the way.


I dedicate this poem to @Knoxiee who this poem is about. And YOU @Knoxiee if you read this poem....I hope you enjoyed it. :p

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