The Way She Is Now

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She stands in front of a mirror.

Staring at the little fat left.

In midst of all her bones sticking out.

I shouldn't have ate that pizza.

She thought out loud.

Feeling herself drown in guilt.

She lives in her painful lonely world.

After pushing out her friends and family.

Refusing help that was offered.

She never laughs.

Always wearing a frown.

Only thinking, "lose more weight".

Never able to pay attention.

Unable to understand what she's learning.

Unable to run free like a bird like she used to.

She wasn't like this before.

Actually, the quite opposite.

Sunshine shining at all times.

A running champion.

Faster than anyone in her school.

Motivated to win the race.

Known as the teachers pet.

Achieves honor roll every semester.

Perfect grades in all honor classes.

But it all changed.

When she was called fat.

Starving herself to prove everyone wrong.

Now she's alive but just barely.

Filled with sorrow and sadness.

The way she is now.


No, this poem is not about anyone I know. It is about a book I read and I just wanted to write a poem about the main character. I forgot what book it was........what a shame. 

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