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It seems to me.

That the surroundings are unknown.

I think I am lost.

I see the light.

I know there are many paths to take.

But I still feel confused.

The smell of home is near.

And I'm trying to follow the scent.

But I keep losing the trail.

Whichever direction I take a step in.

My heart says I should take this chance.

And my brain is scared to take this risk.

I'm afraid.

If I walk in one direction.

But I should have gone the opposite way.

Someone tell me what to do.

I am stuck in what spot.

In fear of the consequences.

I miss the old me.

Who had hope and trust.

Never one to lose her dreams.

But I am where I am.

Nothing can change that fact.

Traveling with each breeze and lost. 

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