Stone Cold

18 4 0

My heart feels stone cold.

Cold just like the chilly autumn wind.

No one to give shelter and shower pride.

Times like now.

Freezing from major disappointments.

Afraid and scared of what is going to happen next.

Will I rise and stand proud?

Or will I slouch and retreat?

I don't know, and I fear the absolute worst.

Paining my family year after year.

Giving up hope on me, maybe even their affection.

No one to support me when I'm drowning in my suffering.

Working with all my might.

Yet struggling with loans and excessive distress.

Or worse yet, a college is not ready educate me at all.

My last day alive.

Will be a lonely time.

Withering and isolated from love.

I may be young.

I may have a bright future if I just try.

But I've learned trying is not enough.

So here I stand helpless.

Unsettled to remain standing or get settled.

Unprepared of what's to be next with my stone cold heart.

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