Blown Away

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I want to blown away.

Into the sweet aroma.

Of comfort in spring.

I wish I were the flower petals.

On the cherry blossom trees.

Hiding the ugly within the beauty of the flowers.

I wander around on my bike.

Living in my dreams for a while.

Pretending I am the spring.

I wonder, how would it feel to be those flowers?

Blossoming till the end of spring.

Falling to the ground and waiting for next year.

I whisper secrets to the birds and bees.

Buzzing and flying near the flowers.

Envy that I don't have that luxury.

I witness the dancing petals on the street.

Everytime a car speeds by.

And the petals twirl in a tornado in unison.

I wonderfulness melting my heart.

My heart blossoming like the flowers.

I can just imagine being blown away. 

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