Power Of Words

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Many people don't realize.

That when they are speaking.

They can appear rude and inconsiderate.

And I'm also one of them.

So I'm not one that should complain.

But I wish that they realized what they say.

Other times they show a generous action.

Act like a shoulder I can lean upon.

Next thing I know they gossip about me behind my back.

Why are humans like this?

One face meant to be nice.

And another for betrayal.

This has happened to me so many times.

So many that all of my fingers on both hands.

Won't even be enough.

If only it weren't this way.

I wish I can trust someone wholeheartedly.

Without getting hurt out of the blues.

People like those.

Are the reason I have trust issues.

I hope it gets better so I feel happy.

No one knows the importance.

To speak carefully, until they face the consequences.

We humans should learn to not mess with the power of words.

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