Depth Of The Ocean

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I fall into the ocean and start to drown.

Calling for help and they do come.

But they reach me too late and I go down.

I see the blue water surrounding me.

Desperate to catch some air.

And swallowing water instead.

The sun is shining on me.

Like a burning candle of hope and desire.

Seeing animals looking at me and swimming off.

Now past the sunlight and into the midnight zone.

Everything dark and eerie.

Yet still able to see a faint trace.

At the moment just barely alive.

But then I see amazing craft.

Glow in the dark animals and lots of beauty.

It might be gloomy and barely have light.

Still it has its own speciality.

That can light someone's heart.

Slipping into the trenches.

Volcanos eager to erupt.

And tiny and huge critters running to and from.

The individuality of each layer.

Each darker than before.

Yet able to shine in it's own way.

No matter where I am.

Or how hard it is.

I must believe in myself to get to the top.

I can beat anything that comes my way.

So I learn to push through and start to swim.

My arms burning but I keep going with the fire in my soul.

Eventually I reach the top and then I realized.

No monster of any kind can harm me.

I'll remain strong, stronger than the currents that swept me away.


Ha the ironic part is I actually don't know how to swim! XD 

Anyways, this is a poem to help with suicidal thoughts, depression, and basically anything that makes you feel like your soul is being sucked out of you. I hope you know how strong you are and that YOU CAN beat whatever it is that is taunting you. 

And credit for the last line "I'll remain strong, stronger than the currents that swept me away" goes to @xXFrostStormXx Good job Fajita! That is a REALLY good line.

:) And like always, please vote and comment if you liked this poem. :P

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