Honesty Is Tough

16 4 0

Ever since first grade.

I have always heard.

"Always tell the truth".

Yet, as I got older.

It got tougher.

The truth became more intense,

marking a scar in my dignity.

Now I am a teenager.

So as time passes.

The honesty is hard to speak.

I don't want to tell someone I failed a class.

Nor I am not the ideal image of a flat stomach.

Or I have purposely hurt someone's feeling

to gain a minute of popularity.

I hate.

How people say.

"Just say the truth".

But how can I?

When the truth will make me ashamed.

And scratch the perfect image I show everyone.


I admit I lie very frequently.

But don't you dare say,

"how bad!"

Cause I can guarantee.

That you feel the same way.

Honestly, honesty is tough.

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