Almost Easy - Johnny Christ (Avenged Sevenfold) Prologue kinda thing

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Joenna Wilson.

28 years old.

Short, brown hair.

Green eyes.


She used to be best friends with Jonathan Seward. But then he got known all over the world as Johnny Christ. Suddenly he was ripped away from Joenna. She never saw him, never talked to him. They lost contact after a few years. The only times she saw him was on TV and Internet.

Without Johnny, Joenna fell into a trap. She made mistakes, huge ones. She never realized that she needed Johnny as much as she did. She litterly wouldn't survive without Johnny.

Jonathan Lewis Seward.

28 years old.

Short, dark hair.

Brown eyes.

Thinks he has everything, but really doesn't.

He joined a band, Avenged Sevenfold, and dropped out of high school. He left his best friend, to follow his dream as a bassist. He never knew he would lose Joenna. But slowly they lost contact. He was too busy traveling around the world. She was too busy making mistakes.

Without Joenna, Johnny always felt this hole in his chest. Like someone belonged there, but he couldn't find out who. He didn't know he really needed Joenna. He needed Joenna, to be 100% happy. He thought he was the happiest man in the world, living his dream. But he couldn't be happy without Joenna.

So what happens when they bump into each other in a supermarket, after all these years? Will forgotten memories be brought back? Will Johnny find out that Joenna is the one he always needed? Will Joenna open up about what has happened since they last saw each other?

Johnny is determined to lead Joenna in the right direction so she can follow her dream as well. But he is also determined on finding out what she is hiding.

How is he going to fix her?





So, this is my first Avenged Sevenfold fanfic, it's shit but be nice hahaa :P Anyways, I started writing this a few months ago without any intention to post it, but I figured; what the heck. So I'll start posting it as soon as I 'm done writing it :) THIS STORY TAKES PLACE WHILE "HAIL TO THE KING" IS BEING RELEASED

And also, I'll try to have the chapters ready so I can upload them on a regular basis. I'm thinking maybe once or twice a week? Comment what you would want! WOHEYY I'm on candy again.

Yeah, stay awesome guys! -Vicky


Almost Easy-Johnny Christ (Avenged Sevenfold)Where stories live. Discover now