7-Meeting the band

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Joenna's POV

Hearing Johnny say that he cared about me, hit me right in the face. Even though he had said it before, I didn't really realize it untill now. He was being dead serious, he actually cared about me. After all these years...And I, who always thought he had forgot about me, that his new friends were way better than boring, old Joenna. 

I felt so selfish! I had blamed all on him and his band, like it was his fault that I ended up like I did. But, after all, Johnny didn't bring me into that Hell. Now that I think about it, neither did Trevor, the person I had looked at as the devil. 

No, I brought Hell onto myself, I'm the real devil. I was blinded by jealousy and anger over Johnny, so I didn't see my own steps. I didn't see that I slipped and fell right into my own trap. You are your own worst enemy. I have never really understood that saying untill now. My worst enemy isn't Trevor, or anyone else for that matter. It's me, and me alone. 

Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized all the mistakes I had made without Johnny by my side. Johnny wrapped and arm around me to comfort me. His warmth calmed me down as I blinked the tears away and sniffled. "It's only four people," Johnny tried with an unsure voice. "And they're my friends, you can trust them" he reassured me and I nodded slowly. I had already met the Bruno Mars kiddo. I could handle meeting the rest, couldn't I?

"Think of this as homework. You're going to have to face your fear at some point anyways, so just let me help you start" I looked at Johnny and his smile made me stronger. I knew he believed in me, so I smiled back and started walking to his car. "Coming, Leprechaun?" I asked and I heard him laugh behind me, remembering his childhood nickname. "The band actually found another nickname for me" he said as we got into his car. "Yard gnome"

I bursted out laughing and Johnny quickly joined. He didn't really get hurt when someone teased him for his 5'4", he found it just as funny as everyone else. "At least I can comfort myself with the fact that I am taller than you" he said and I scoffed. "Pff, 1 inch". We chuckled before Johnny put on the stereo and Metallica blasted through the speakers. Wow, why was I not surprised?

We sang along to 'The unforgiven' before we stopped outside a big, white house with a pool outside and a basket area. We walked out of the car and towards the door. Johnny knocked on it and I tried to hide behind him like a little puppy, as a tall figure, must have been around 6' I guess, opened it. He was wearing a black Pantera tank top, revealing two inked arms. He had long, brown hair, hazel eyes and he showed a dimpled smile as he greeted Johnny.

" 'eeey, who's your friend?" the man said, looking at me. I immidiatly looked away, trying to calm my nerves. Johnny's friend, remember? I took a deep breath before I stepped forward and tried to smile. "H-hi" I said quietly, and the man immidatly understood that I wasn't too sure about meeting him, so he changed into a calmer mood and smiled kindly at me. "I'm Joenna" I said with a little louder voice, but my voice was still a bit shaky. Calm down Joenna, Johnny had your back. "Matt here" the man said and opened the door for us to come in.

"Matt, can I have a word with you?" Johnny asked and this Matt dude nodded. I walked further into the huge house and tried to find the living room, while the two bandmates stayed behind.

Johnny's POV

"She's an old friend of mine. I'm helping her to get used to people again" I explained. "Don't ask" i added when Matt was about to open his mouth and question it. "I figured she could start out with the band, just a few people, so please be a little...normal?" I begged and Matt nodded. "Well, I will try my very best" he said, before we both called the rest of A7X and told them the same thing.  

Then we walked into the living room, where we found Joenna in front of the shelf with the awards. "Like what you see?" Matt asked and Joenna turned around. "Yeah...and hear, as well" she said shyly. Matt's eyes widened as he realized she was a fan of our music. Then it looked like he was mentally facepalming himself as he pointed at her hoodie. "I think I'm going blind" he said as he looked at the hoodie with our logo printed on it.

"Well, anyways, I'm glad you like our music then. Beer?" I shook my head, knowing I had to be sober to drive home again. Joenna nodded though, and Matt handed her a can of beer he found in the fridge on the kitchen. "Val and River is out, they'll be back later tonight" Matt informed me.

Suddenly a yellow-ish labrador came running into the living room and sat down next to me. I chuckled at her before I sat down an patted her. "Hey, Bella, what's up?" I said as the dog wagged her tail. I looked at Joenna, and she came over to the dog to pat her as well. Bella immidatly took a liking to the new person, and licked her cheek. Joenna laughed as she grimaced and Matt and me chuckled at the silly dog. 

Soon the doorbell rang, and Matt went to see who it was. I took the time we had alone to tell Joenna that she was doing a great job, before Brian walked in. He introduced himself and Joenna seemed more comfortable now, after she had said hi to two people. Then Zacky and Arin came in. Arin just smiled at her, and Zacky greeted her and held out his hand. I expected Joenna to flinch away like she did with Arin the other day, but instead she brought her shaky hand to Zacky's and shook it. I couldn't help the happiness that washed over me as I saw her making such progress.


Yay, SHE'S MEETING THE BAND! Ok so, I'm REALLY sick, I litterly can't breath normally because my throat hurts and gah, it's so annoying :( I've been watching old videos of the Rev all day, I think I'm going crazy...xD

Rest in piece, James Owen Sullivan :'( [insert really sad and depressing music here]

Anyways, remember to VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE if you liked it, and thank you so much for reading! Update on Sunday as usual 

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