3-Starbucks and dreams

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Sooo monday suddenly came, and I still haven't updated...sorry to my few readers out there, it's just that we have visitors here this week so I didn't have time yesterday :( BUT HERE IT IS :D


Johnny's POV

As I got inside my car I pondered the options whether I should call Joenna or not. I glanced at the clock in the dashboard that read 4pm and decided to go for the first option. I picked up my phone and scrolled through the contacts before it landed on Joenna.

Wait, second thoughts. What if she just said hi yesterday to be nice? What if she doesn't really want to catch up?

"Damn it Johnny, it's just Joenna! She was your bestfriend, can't have changed that much" I said to myself frustrated before I called her and pressed the phone against my ear, waiting for her to pick up.

*Joenna's POV*

"Seize the day, or die regretting the time you lost..." I heard Avenged Sevenfold play from my bag, so I rummaged through it before I finally found my phone. The display said 'unknown', so a small panic attack almost hit me, thinking about who it could be. He found you a voice inside my head said. No. No, shit, no this can't be ha-Johnny! Another voice said in my head. Of course! I gave him my number yesterday. A little bit shaky, I answered the phone. "He-hello?" I said, my voice unsteady. Please, be Johnny, please be Johnny, please be Johnny...

"Hey Joenna, it's Johnny" I breathed out in relief and thanked the gods above silently. "Oh, hi" I said, calming down. A little smile played across my lips. "What's up?"
"Just finished an interview, what about you?" Johnny asked and I looked around the empty building.

This was the abandoned place I always went to when it got too much for me on job, too many people.

"Not much" I answered. "Why?" Johnny hesitated a bit, before he asked me if I wanted to go grab a coffee with him. "We have a bit to catch up with" he added.

I felt a small bit of happiness enter my heart. Although he didn't remember me right away yesterday, he wanted to catch up for all the years we've missed.

"Sure! Where and when?" I asked. Johnny told me the details and hung up, so I hurried back home to change into some ripped jeans, a Black Veil Brides tank top and put on some dark eyeshadow. I ruffled my short hair a bit, just to make it look a bit more punked.

Then I drove to Starbucks and looked for Johnny. I saw him in his black jeans and black T-shirt, exposing his tattooed arms. He smiled at me when he saw me, and I noticed he had already bought the coffees.

"I hope mocha frappucino still is your favourite?" he asked as I sat down in front of him. "Always" I said with a chuckle. I thanked him for the coffee before I took a sip of it. 

"So, how come you're working in the groceries?" Johnny asked and I looked away. That's a story I'd like to leave untold, to be honest. "I...ehm, it's hard to get a decent job these days" I said and looked everywhere else than his eyes.

I felt his stare on me, knowing he didn't buy a single bit of it. But, surprisingly enough, he didn't ask more about it. "Well, what's your dreamjob then? Still songwriter?" he asked and smiled.

I blushed slightly. "Aw, don't be shy! I loved your songs" he said and I rolled my eyes at him. "That's just because they were about you" I said and slapped him on his arm. "Exactly. Oh, Johnnyyyy you're my best friend" he started to sing and I laughed. "That's definitely not how they were!"

We continued to argue a bit over it, before he asked why I didn't try to reach for my dreams. "Nah, wouldn't have a chance in the music industry anyways" I said and took another sip of my coffee. Johnny huffed and punched me lightly in the shoulder. I tensed a bit, but relaxed soon enough for Johnny to notice.

"Hey, you'd be an amazing songwriter" he complimented and I blushed, humble. "I remember the serious songs as well, you know? The ones about friendship, love, life. You had a lot of songs about life and-" "I heard you're working on a new album?" I cut him off, not wanting to talk about my dream about being a songwriter anymore. Crushed dreams.

*Johnny's POV*

Joenna cut me off, clearly trying to change the subject. I just sat there in silence for a few seconds before I came back to earth and nodded my head.

"Yeah..Yeah, we're almost done. Two songs left, then promoting and all that shit. We're recording a song called 'Planets' at the moment"

Joenna's eyes travelled far away for a moment, and I was wondering where she was. Maybe she was in a studio right now, recording her songs.

"You OK?" I asked and she snapped back. She replaced the frown with a smile that I could see was fake. "Joenna" I whispered, hoping she would remember all the times we had opened up to each other back in school. "I'm fine!" she said, not too convincing. 

I know, I know. I couldn't expect our friendship to be just like it was before, but we could try? We could try to get back to where we were. I wanted to fix this. I wanted Joenna to trust me again. I needed to fix this mess, for Joenna.

We talked a bit about Hail to the King, Black Veil Brides (I had to ask since she was wearing their band merch), and just random things that we found funny.

I noticed that the more we talked , the more I had missed her. Sure, when the guys and I finally became friends, they became my brothers and I love them with all my heart, but they're no Joenna.

They're not the silly girl I could share everything with, laugh with, make fun of, cry with at times.

And to see that all these years apart from each other had affected our bond this way, that she was hiding from me, avoiding it...it hurt, in a way.

I felt guilt wash over me, feeling like it was my faulth. But I wasn't going to blame this on the band. I followed my dream, it's not my faulth she didn't follow hers.



Vote, comment and share if you liked it :) Next chapter: Sunday (I will try to remember it this time lol)

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