4-Scars and flashbbacks

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Early update because I've been watching Teen Wolf for three days straight and I really needed a break



Joenna sat on a bench outside the shool, waiting for Johnny to walk out of the building. She smiled as she saw the dark haired boy, whistling so he would notice her. He snapped his head in her direction and waved, making his way over to her.

"Took you long enough" she joked when he had made it through the crowded area. "Sorry, teacher held us back. But, late or not, I have some news for you!" Johnny said with a huge grin. Joenna gestured for him to continue.

"You know that band from around here, right? Avenged Sevenfold?" Joenna nodded her head, thinking about the band that had beaten up Johnny once. Or twice.

"Well, they don't have a bassist anymore, so guess who's going on tour with them?" Johnny was litterly jumping up and down in excitement, but Joenna lost her smile.

"You what?" she whispered. Sure, she was happy for him an all, but...he was leaving her? So soon? Johnny hugged her tightly.

"Hey, don't give me that look" he whispered softly. "We'll keep in touch, ok? It's not like I'm going to forget you"  He was pushed back by Joenna, and when he looked into her eyes they were running in tears.

"You're leaving me" she stated. "You're fucking leaving me" Johnny shook his head, hurt by her words. Why couldn't she just be a little happy for him?

"What happened to that Dameon dude anyways?" she asked.

"I don't know, but..Joenna, you know this has been a big dream for me. You know how much this means to-"

"I don't fucking care, I don't want you to leave me!" Joenna said now, raising her voice. A few students turned around and watched their argument.

"I don't want to leave you either, but you have to understand that this is an opportuni-"

"They beat you up, Jonathan!" Joenna was screaming now, a few tears streaming down her cheek. "They fucking beat you up, they were mean to you, they don't deserve you!" Johnny felt the anger blow up inside of him, and sighed heavily.

"That's because of my own doing, Jo" he said, trying to stay calm, but his voice got louder and angrier for each word.

"Still, they shouldnt've beaten you up" Joenna continued, but Johnny was too angry to listen. He turned around and started to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Joenna yelled after him.

"Meet my new friends" he answered.

"They're not your friends, I am!" Johnny continued to walk.

"Then start acting like one, instead of a fucking child" he muttered loud enough for her to hear him. 


Johnny's POV

I shook my head, angry that my brain had to replay that memory. Why not the good ones? I liked those way better than our fights. And that one fight in particular was the worst. What if she still doesn't want me to be in Avenged Sevenfold? What if she secretly hates the idea of me touring around with the band? After all, that's how we lost contact. 

Fuck this, I shouldn't feel guilty! Why is she messing with my brain? What's happening to my poor braincells, they need to stop worrying. God, I need to sleep. And maybe a cigarette. 

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