22-Almost Easy

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Johnny's POV

Joenna had gotten a deal with Warner Bros. Records today. And yesterday she got some arrangements with Paramore and A Day To Remember, so her career was beginning. It was amazing to see the start of her journey, to observe her reactions and also be the first one to hear about how it went on the meetings.

HTTK had huge success in Australia, and in three days it was released in USA and on iTunes. The promoting had calmed down a bit, but then after the release it was going to be hectic again. So, we decided to spend this day together. Me, Joenna, the band and their girlfriends, and just celebrate the release and also Joenna's record deals.

We were currently at Jo's apartment, getting ready to go out. I was wearing jeans, white t-shirt and a black vest with studded shoulders. Joenna eventually came out of her bedroom, dressed in a black dress that reached to her knees, hugging her body perfectly and looking absolutely beautiful. It was a simple dress, but she had "punked it up" a bit, as she called it, and was also wearing a leather jacket over it.

"Bye, mom and dad!" she yelled into the living room and they yelled a "have fun" back.

I took her hand and we walked to a nightclub nearby where we were meeting the rest. It was yet another challenge for Joenna, to be with so many people, but she could handle it. I knew she would.


"You seem to be having fun!" I yelled over the music to Arin, who was dancing with his girl. He smirked, before he started making out with her on the spot.

Well. I don't want to watch that. I turned around and ordered another beer, looking over my shoulder to spot Joenna talking to Michelle, Brian and Matt. She was having fun, and I smiled a bit just because of the thought of her being happy.

She made eyecontact with me, and excused herself from the three as she walked towards me.

"Dance with me" she yelled, but I shook my head. "C'moooon" she whined and grabbed my hand.

"But, my beer-"

"Fuck the beer!" she yelled and dragged me towards the dancefloor. Well, I guess this was a good thing? She was having fun and not giving a shit about the fact that there was tons of other people in the same room as her. Or maybe she was just drunk.

I'm pretty sure she was just drunk.

At first we just fooled around and danced like idiots, but then she started to grind on me and dance a bit more...seductively. And let me tell you, it worked.

Untill some dickhead came and took a hold of her wrist, dragging her towards him. She immidiatly looked at me, frightened and unsure of what to do.

"Hey!" I yelled to the man. "That's my girl, okay?". The dude just laughed at me and placed his hands on Jo's waist. She tried to get out of his grip, but he was too strong for her. Then he leaned down and started kissing down her neck.

Oh no. You did not just do that.

I forcefully dragged Joenna away from him, and pushed her behind me. The guy was-of course-much taller than me, but I was driven by alcohol and rage.

I guess you can figure out what I did next.

"Johnny!" Matt yelled from behind me. I didn't notice that people had stepped away from us, making a circle. Joenna was trying to drag me away from the stranger, but I was just staring at him.

"Are you sure you wanna start a fight, little man?" he said with a smirk, holding his hand over his left cheek where I had just punched him.

"Johnny, what the fuck man?" Matt had reached me now, standing between me and the stranger.

"The fucker was raping my girlfriend!" I defended.

"It was just a few kisses!" the man yelled back.

"Well, it sure looked like you wanted more!" I shot back, and he just narrowed his eyes at me.

"Johnny, don't you fucking do anything stupid" Matt warned, trying to push me away. He looked behind me, at Joenna. I quickly turned my head and looked at her as well. She was shaking her head and pleading for me to stop.

So I did. I let her drag me out of the club and calm my nerves. I heard Matt yell something about how the dude should learn how to treat women behind us before we walked out to the chilly air.

"Are you okay?" I asked Joenna, taking her hand in mine. She looked scared, but she nodded.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Thanks though" she said and looked down at our intertwined fingers. "But you shouldn't get into trouble just because of me".

"But that's the thing, Joenna. I'd do anything to protect you. Hell, I'd start a fucking world war for you" I told her honestly.

Joenna's POV

I lifted my head to let my green eyes lock with Johnny's. They showed me nothing but honesty and truth, so I smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. Well, it started out as a kiss, but eventually turned into some make out session.

"I love you" I whispered as I pulled away.

"I love you too" Johnny chuckled and hugged me. My heart was beating fast. I had so many emotions building up inside of me right now.

I really did love Johnny. I had never understood what people meant with "he's the one" and "true love", but as I stood there, in the chilly night outside a club in Johnny's arms, I finally did.

He was my knight in shiny armour. He picked me up when I had fallen down, and healed my wounds. He created a future for me, and as I stood there and thought about this, I couldn't imagine a future without him.

Life is almost easy, in so many ways. It's almost easy to just let go, it's almost easy to forgive, it's almost easy to give up, almost easy to break, almost easy to run away. But it's also almost easy to stand up, stand strong, find the right place to be, and the right person to be with. You just need to open up your eyes. Maybe he has been there right in front of you all this time.

In a way, I was thankful for Trevor. If I hadn't met him, I probably wouldn't have ran away to Los Angeles. If I hadn't ran away to Los Angeles, I probably wouldn't have met Johnny again. And then my life would probably be a living hell.

But, right now, right here; my life was almost perfect.


brb crying because this was the last chapter :'(

IT HAS BEEN FUCKING AMAZING TO WRITE THIS FOR YOU GUYS! I hope you liked this story, the epilogue will be posted soon :) Not today, but some day this week.

Thank you so much for reading! I love you all, and I just...gah...this is emotional.

1.2K reads. What the actual fuck. This has litterly been so awesome, you have no clue! I've learned so much, I've improved on my writing and your reads have made me smile and have mental fights with myself. It's honestly scary to know that people are actually reading my story.

Anyways, LET'S ALL JUST HUG YEAH? yeah.


Almost Easy-Johnny Christ (Avenged Sevenfold)Where stories live. Discover now