10-The Truth

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Joenna's POV

After watching Hidalgo (I don't even know why) and The Hunger Games we just sat in the sofa drinking beer and talking.

"Can I ask you something?" Johnny spoke and I nodded. "Where's your family?"

He looked genuinly concerned and curious, but I had to look away from his gaze. I couldn't lie while looking into those eyes.

"They...ehm, we moved away from Hunnington Beach, right after I finished school. And, well, when it was time for me to move out I figured "what the heck, let's move to freaking LA" and that's basically how I ended up here" I informed him, knowing that my voice was shaking. I felt his stare on me, but didn't dare to turn my head and look back at him. 

"Stop lying" he said.

"I'm not" I argued, getting up from the couch and walking towards my room. "You're gonna have to spend the night after those beers" I decided to drop the topic, and went to get a pillow and blanket for him. I carried it to the living room and placed it on the couch. "It doesn't matter if you're the famous Crosseyed Drunk, you'll be sleeping on the couch tonight".

Johnny was frowning, so many thoughts swirling around in his beautiful eyes. "I think I'll go to bed early" I quickly added before I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and took off my make up. I changed into my PJs and went to bed, not bothering to say goodnight to Johnny.

The next day I woke up pretty early, earlier than Johnny actually. But then I remembered it was his day off, he could sleep longer. I went straight to the shower, leting the cold water stream down my tired body and wake me up. 

I dried myself and put on a baggy grey Tee and my underwear. I walked out and into my room again, searching through my closet for something to wear for the day. 

But then I turned around and remembered that I wasn't the only one in this apartment today.

Johnny stood in his pants and bare torso, staring at me with a sad expression. I became very self-concious, looking down at my legs.

"Who gave you that?" he whispered, lookeing at the bruises on my thighs. I didn't answer. I just felt tears welling up in my eyes. This wasn't how I planned it..

"Joenna Wilson, who the fuck gave you those?!" he yelled now, angry, as he came closer. I gasped and backed away, crashing into my closet. I had never seen that look on Johnny's face before. He was terrifying.

"Tre-Trevor" I answered. Johnny stopped when he saw his actions scared me, so his face softened as he asked his next quistion in a calmer state. "Who's Trevor?"

I couldn't answer. I had pushed Trevor far away, and now that Johnny mentioned him, he came back to my head and it felit like I was just hit by a bus. I startet shaking as silent tears streamed down my face. I dropped down to the floor, as more tears came. Soon I was sobbing quietly with my hands covering my face.

Johnny sat down next to me, and took my hands in his. His fingers ran over the scars on my wrists, but he stayed silent. Then he wrapped me into a tight, comforting hug. I sat there crying with my head buried in the crook of his neck, smelling his perfume from yesterday.

In a way it felt good. I had never really cried over what happened, I had just had my own little depressing pity party. I ran away from the memories and locked myself away.

Some times you just need to cry over stuff, letting it all out. Just sit there next to your best friend, holding on to him and cry.

"Please" Johnny begged. "Please Jo, don't hide from me" I could hear the desperation in his voice, so I pulled away and looked him in the eyes. 

"Trevor," I started and took a deep breath, "is my ex boyfriend. I got together with him when we moved away. He seemed like a nice guy, you know? He helped my dad a lot with fixing the car, charming my mom with his talent on the kitchen..but then, when I eventually moved in with him, he started to call me stuff when he got angry. He started to hit me too. If I didn't do what he said, he would punch me several times. That's why I don't trust anyone anymore. I'm scared that behind a nice face there is a demon like Trevor. I didn't tell anyone, not even my own parents. I hid the bruises, I lived like that for years, untill 4 months ago. I finally grew some balls and ran away, not just from Trevor, but from my friends and my family. I was so scared and afraid that he would find me, I couldn't take any chances. So I moved to LA, cause what was the chances for me, scared and broken as he had turned me into, running away to a big city like Los Angeles?"

I was shaking and sobbing, having a hard time with breathing. But it felt so good to finally tell someone. "Did he give you these too?" Johnny mumbled as he looked down at the scars and cuts on my wrists. I shook my head. Johnny's brown eyes looked at me, but then back at my wrists. He brought them up to his face and kissed them softly.

"Don't" he whispered. Then he hugged me again. "You deserve so much better" He kissed the top of my head and we just sat there for a moment. Then he pulled away, with a serious face. "You shouldn't let Trevor ruin your future. Trevor is your past. Follow your dreams, and leave Trevor to me. I swear, I will hunt him down and find him and then I'll kill the motherfucker."

I smiled weakly, wiping away my tears. "Thanks" I said. Johnny continued to look at me. We were so close. I suddenly felt like pulling him closer and just kiss him, but I shook the thought away and instead got up on my feet.

"I'll get dressed" I told Johnny and he nodded, walking out. Oh, what would I do without my Johnny?


WALLABALLABINGBONG HI whatcha think? This is probably the hardest part to write in the story, cause I didn't know how to put everything in and I didn't even know if I should put everything in all at once but yeah..turned out pretty ok, don't ya think?

Ugh, school starts tomorrow...I'm really not looking forward to being forced out into the real world and be social and "learn" stuff. Can't wait to see my friends again though..:D 

Also, Thanks for reading, and remember to VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE if you liked it! :)

NU: Sundayyyyy

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