2-Girl friend, not girlfriend

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A/N: Let's pretend for a while that Johnny lives in L.A, mkay? K, now you can read..


*Johnny's POV*

As I drove back home I couldn't get the picture of Joenna out of my head. She had changed so much! She went from blonde to brunette, and she looked so...I don't know....beautiful? I shook my head, focusing on the road again. But then her smile appeared in my head. After I asked her how she had been, her smile changed. It kind of turned to a sad smile, a fake smile. Why would she fake a smile? She used to make fun of the phrase "fake a smile". What would she be hiding from me?

Of course, I understand that after a decade our friendship would have changed, but still. I was worried. I wanted to see her honest smile, her happy eyes. After all these years, I still wanted my Joenna to be happy. Seeing her hurt made me sick to the stomach, I still cared for her you know? I never had a friend like her, and I couldn't even get myself to think about what she might be hiding from me. What had happened since we last met?

I turn to right and almost crash into a red Audi R8, as I am so deep in thoughts, but see it in the last second and avoid any contact with the other car. I turn back and think about how much I have actually missed her. I guess after a few years I kind of forgot about her, but now that I have seen her again, talked to her again, I realize that my heart always knew something was missing. Even if I didn't realize it myself, I knew I missed Joenna. She was my best friend after all. I never completely forgot about her.

I reached my house and drove up the driveway, parking my car. I carried the goods inside, and after placing everything where I wanted it, I made myself some pizza and decided to watch a bit TV.


"Johnny?" I heard Brian's voice from far, far away and suddenly I snapped back to reality. I didn't even realize I was gone. "Finally. I think he's back" Brian said and the rest of the guys sighed. "Wait, was I gone for that long?" I asked confused and sat more straight in the couch. Brian was next to me, Arin and Zacky on the other side. Matt was recording. "Dude, you were faaaaaaar away" Brian said, extending the 'far'. "Yeah, where exactly? You seem a bit off today" Mike, our producer, wanted to know.

I thought back. Where had I really been? Oh, yeah. Joenna. "I just met an old friend yesterday, 's all" I said with a shrug. Zacky smirked next to me. "A friend, or a friend?" he asked with a cheeky grin. I rolled my eyes at him. "A friend, you dickhead" I answered. "What makes you think it's a girl in the first place?" "Because he's stalking you, that's why" Matt said from the recording room. "Fucker, now you've revealed my secret!" Zacky shouted back and Matt chuckled. "He was going to find out one day or another anyways" 

"So, you didn't get laid last night?" Brian asked while Zacky and Matt continued their arguing. "Why are you guys being so dirty? I didn't get laid, I had no intention to get laid, and I certainly will not talk about getting laid with you guys. You're acting like 12 years old, for fucks sake!" I said and laughed. Brian just shrugged. "We're men. We just really like sex." 

True. We had an interview later that day, and I prayed to God that none of them would bring this up. If they were in mood to annoy me, then they would definitely mention Joenna. Oh god. I needed to make them forget about this. "I need a smoke" I said and walked outside.

We continued the day by recording a few guitar riffs - we were working on "Planets" - and talked to David Campbell, the orchestra arranger, about tomorrow. We were planning on recording the orchestra then. 

Soon enough we had to leave to get to the interview, and met up with our manager, Larry, to go through all the "don't mention this" "don't tell them that" "keep that as a secret" and everything. He commanded us around a little, but except from that we were free to do whatever the fuck we wanted. Then we were let inside and greeted the radio host. It was a short woman with long, brown hair and chubby cheeks, wearing black jeans, pink tank top and black leather jacket.

"We're here live with M. Shadows, Synyster Gates, Zacky Vengeance, Johnny Christ and Arin Ilejay from Avenged Sevenfold!" the host said, and we all said hi to the listeners. She started to ask a few questions about our upcoming album. "Hail to the King is a bit different from our last albums. It's a bit more blues rock influenced, and more like classic rock and classic metal in the vein of Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin" Matt said and we all nodded. "Yeah, it's kind of like...more groove metal-oriented, I would say" I added. "What about you, Zacky?" the interviewer looked at Zacky, who had been leaning back and just listened to us. He leaned forward again and placed his elbows on the table in front of him. "Yeah, well, we styled everything back to the core of heavy metal instead of trying to overcomplicate it. We wrote and wrote, and felt we really achieved what we were going for..."

And that's where I zoned out. What was Joenna doing right now? She was probably working. What if I didn't bump into her yesterday? We really needed to meet up. Maybe I should call her later. We could catch up again, grab a coffee or something. I really wanted to know what she was hiding.

"We're really proud of what we've come up with" I snapped back to reality as Matt poked me in the side and I heard Zacky's voice again. We continued the interview, I didn't say much, and finished it with revealing that it was almost done. We said bye to the host and walked outside. Ah, done for the day. "Nice job, guys! There's going to be tons of promoting before the release" Larry said as he high fived us. "Now, get home and spend some time with your families" We walked towards the parking lot, when Zacky was suddenly right next to me. "Fuck's up with you today?" he asked as we walked. 

I just shrugged, pretending to not fully understand him. "You've been zoning out several times. Should I worry?" he asked and stopped next to his car. I shook my head and shot him a smile. "No need to. I just have a lot on my mind" I explained. "Your friend again?" he asked and I nodded. "Now remember, Zacky" I said as I turned around to walk towards my own car. "Girl friend. Not girlfriend."


Ok so this is actually quite a long chapter, but I hope you liked it! The interview is kind of a filler, but you know...reality. They actually do that as well, not only concerts. Remember to VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE this if you liked it :)

Next update: Sunday!

Almost Easy-Johnny Christ (Avenged Sevenfold)Where stories live. Discover now