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It was a funny little experience to spend a day with these childish idiots. Arin throwing his drumsticks after Matt, Brian swearing and cursing every time he didn't manage to play the solo perfectly, Johnny and Zacky fighting over little things such as who was the best in Guitar Hero (yes, they actually played guitar hero in the studio. I don't even know, and I'm not going to ask).

Suddenly Brian jumped up from his seat and stretched his fingers. He had been practising the solo for "Requiem" for an hour, and was more than ready for a break. We all walked outside and Brian took up a pack of cigarettes. He handed one to Johnny, and one to himself, before he lit them and they stood there inhaling and exhaling the poisoning smoke.

"Johnny?" I asked in disbelief. "Since when do you smoke?" He shrugged. "Things happen" he said with the cigarette between his lips, before he took it out and held it between his middle and index finger. I tried to take it out of his hand, but he wouldn't let me. The band watched us amused, cheering for me. "Come on, Joenna, take it!" they laughed, but I didn't manage to take the damn cigarette from my stubborn friend.

"Fine. Brian, give me one" I said and Brian was about to hand me one, but Johnny snatched the pack out of his hand. "You're not smoking" he stated. The playful grin that was plastered across his face a few seconds ago, was now replaced with a serious expression. "Why can you, and not me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "I started when you weren't there to watch over me" he said, still serious. "I don't want you to start when I have the chance to prevent you from doing it".

The boys had now shut up as Johnny stood there, refusing to give me a cigarette. It's not like I wanted to smoke, I just didn't want Johnny to smoke either.

We stood there looking at each other for a moment, before Johnny sighed. "Promise me you'll never try out smoking" he whispered. I didn't answer. I just looked into his brown, worried eyes. "Promise, Joenna" I slowly nodded my head, suddenly aware of the fact that we were actually standing a bit too close.

I stepped back and looked at the other buys. They were looking at us confused, and amused, and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. "Johnny and Joenna, sitting in a tree" Matt sang, and soon the others were singing with him. "K-I-S-S-Iiiiwoah" they stopped as Johnny sent them a death glare. "Shit just got real" Brian said as he finished his cigarette.

We walked inside again, and I tried to avoid Johnny the rest of the day. It pissed me off that he had started smoking, knowing exaclty how much I hated it. That fucker. Just because you're a rockstar it doesn't mean you have to kill your lungs, you know.

Johnny's POV

I knew Joenna was pissed and upset now, so I left her alone the rest of the day. She had always hated smoking, and she thought it should be illegal. But I knew, I knew too well, that she could give herself over to the cigarettes she hated so much. If she was in enough pain, she could put all her beliefs and thoughts aside to get rid of the pain.

And that was why I wouldn't want to let her smoke. I didn't want her to get addicted and destroy her body like me. I wouldn't let that happen. I sighed as I looked over at her, talking with Brian, Arin and Zacky. I stood next to Mike, watching Matt record a few verses.

"Darkest lord, your mercy shall I gain"

I looked at Joenna as Matt sang those words. She made eyecontact, but I didn't look away. I was too deep in my thoughts to look away.

Darkest Lord....that'd be the story she's hiding, whatever that had happened. It was a dark experience. 'Your mercy shall I gain'.....I had to make her open up, reveal herself and tell me the story.Not push me away like she did to everyone else. And I had to help her fight it and let it go, opening up to a good, bright world

Wait, why the hell was I analyzing our song with Joenna? I shook my head and looked away. God, I had so many thoughts in my head right now. I needed a cigarette. I walked out and heard someone following me. I assumed it was Brian, or maybe Zacky, but as I took out my pack of cigarettes I turned around and saw Joenna standing there.

She looked at the pack in disgust, but didn't say anything. I lit the cigarette and inhaled the smoke, immidiatly feeling relaxed and I looked at Joenna.

"I'm sorry" she said. She stuck her hands in her back pocets as she squinted against the sun. "For what?" I asked confused. "For....attacking you like that" she chucled. "I'm just worried about you" she admitted. I sighed, knowing what she was talking about. I looked at her for a split second, taking in the beauty. The sun made her short, brown hair shine, her dark eyeshadow made it look like she only had two black lines as eyes when she squinted like that against the bright sun.

"I understand" I finally said. "I mean, it's the same reason I denied you a cigarette as well. Because of worry" She smiled at me. "I'm glad to have you back" she whispered, cocking her head a little to the left. I walked closer and caressed her cheek as I just looked into her beautiful green eyes.

She was such a fragile creature. It looked as if she could fall apart just by the lightest touch. She was so broken.

Suddenly I was concious about my actions, and I backed away. "Uhm...clichè" I chuckled awkwardly. "So yeah...better go inside again" Joenna nodded and we walked back into the studio.

When the day was over I drove Joenna home and walked with her inside her apartment. I sat down on the couch as she went to change. When she came back she was wearing grey sweatpants and a baggy, black T-shirt.

And for some reason, we ended up snuggling together in the couch watching movies.




Yes, I changed the title/cover. Like it?

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