14- Shipping

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First off I'd like to thank you so much for 455 reads! I love you, and every read, vote and comment means a lot to me so thank you! ;D


Joenna's POV

"What's going on between you and Johnny?" Zacky snapped me back to reality. I looked at him, and he was grinning like an idiot. I kicked a rock at him, gaining a chuckle. "Aw, don't worry. I'm happy for both of you, ship you two hardcore".

I looked at him confused. Ship? "When you want two people to be together, you ship them" Zacky explained, as if he could read my mind. But, it only made me frown even more.

"Ship them where?" I asked confused, and Zacky just laughed as he ruffled my hair (that was already messy enough after  Matt had ruffled it. It sucks being shorter than people).

"Never mind, I think you look cute together, how about that?" he said and I shrugged.

"As long as we get to stay in America, then okay".

Johnny and Brian had stopped fighting and were now by our side again. "Talking about?" Brian asked, taking out a cigarette. He placed it between his lips and lit it.

"Zacky has plans about shipping JoJo to Africa" Arin said. "Joenna seems a bit sceptical though" he added and Brian chuckled. 

"Ship you to Africa?" he asked and I pointed at Zacky. "Ask him".

We were all loking at Zacky now, waiting for an answer. But the guy just rolled his eyes and threw his hands up in the air. "I give up!"

 Johnny asked to talk with me under four eyes, so (with loads of kissing noises from the oh-so-grown-up friends of his) we walked away and stood next to the stage, out of sight for the others.

"What's up?" I asked and he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, like they do in those awkward romance movies. "Ehm..." he started. "I was actually wondering the same thing as Bri. What's up between us?" 

I looked at him, into his beautiful, brown eyes, and sighed. "I don't know" I whispered. "Really liked the kiss, though" I added and Johnny chuckled.

"Yeah me too" He was holding my hand now, playing wit my fingers with a frown on his face. He mumbled something for himself, but I'm not sure he was using real words since the only thing I heard was "hmn i ss u".

"What?" I asked and he looked back up.

"I was just wondering..." he stopped, and didn't know if he should finish the sentence or not.

"Wondering about what?" I pressed.

Johnny's POV

I took a deep breath as I looked into her eyes. "Can I kiss you? LIke, right now?" I asked. I know, a 28 old man asking the girl he loved if he could kiss her seemed kinda lame. But, I was just worried. Worried about everything, lately. And I didn't want anything to ruin me and Jo's friendship, now that we had rebuildt it. 

Surprisingly, Joenna slowly nodded her head, and I put my hand up to cup her face. I leaned in and was about to kiss her, when my goddamn phone rang.

I cursed under my breath as I pulled up the gadget from my pocket and answered it. 

"Hey what's up?" I said. 

"I got her a deal!" Mike's vocie said and I could tell he was smiling widely. 

"What already?!" Really, this man was fucking unbelievable. Did this even happen in reality? I smiled so widely that my cheeks litterly hurt.

"I told you he would love her, didn't I? There's two producers that has offers for her" 

Almost Easy-Johnny Christ (Avenged Sevenfold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن