16- Meetings

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Johnny's POV

We eventually reached the studio, where Mike was waiting for us along with two guys I had never seen before. One looked like he was maybe  60, the other one around 40-50. "There you are! And, this may be?" Mike said as he bent down and greeted Toby and Peanut. 

After 5 minutes with the attention sick dogs, we were finally introduced to Mike's friends. "Rob Cavallo" the youngest said, pushing his glasses further up his nose and holding out his hand to shake ours.

"Joenna Wilson" Jo said . 

"Johnny" I said as I shook his hand. I glanced over at Joenna, and she was smiling politely, but I could see the tiny shimmer of fear in her eyes. I don't think it showed enough for the others to notice though, so that was good.

"And my name is David Bendeth" the other man said in a brittish accent. He shook our hands and then me and Joenna sat down on the couch, Mike sitting by the mixing table, and Bendeth and Cavallo leaning on the counter. 

"You are a talent, miss Wilson" Bendeth said and Joenna blushed. "It would be an honour to work with you. I think I have the perfect band for you, the lead singer already adores you!"

Jo's eyes widened a bit, shocked at how fast this was going. That someone wanted to work with her, play her music. 

"Also, I think you would write some nice songs working with some music acts with me as well" Cavallo implied and Bendeth nodded. "Yes, yes of course. We both have offers to give, but it's your choice." he said and smiled. 

Joenna was, to put it easy, stunned. She just sat there, with Peanut in her lap, staring at the three music producers in front of her. "Are you kidding me?" she eventually got out. "Do you really want to work with me? Do you like my music?" she asked as if to make sure. The men just chuckled at her.

"Of course we want to work with you!" Cavallo said and Mike and I exchanged smiles.

"What do you say, Jo? Wanna start living your dream or not? 'Cause these two guys right here are offering you it" Mike said and leaned forwards.

"Yes! Of course!" Joenna giggled, but restrained herself so she wouldn't act all girly and childish in front of business men. I bet you she was thinking "Ok Jo, be 28, you're 28, act 28".

 "Uhm, what are your offers? What bands will I be working with if I accept yours, mr. Bendeth?" she asked.

"Well, there's a band called Paramore that already adores you (A/N please don't hate me, most of the bands I'm mentioning right now writes their own songs, but in order to get Joenna signed I'm gonna have to make it like this ok) and also I've been working with Bring me the Horizon. I think I could contact them and let them hear you" he said and Joenna nodded. "Sounds like a fair offer. And you, mr Cavallo?" she turned to the other man.

"I can get in contact with Green Day for you, and what do you think about Linkin Park?" he asked and I know Joenna was supressing a scream at his mention of Green Day. She litterly adored  Billie Joe, I remember all the posters she had in her room when we were young. She used to call herself, and I quote; "The future mrs. Armstrong". I always thought of Neil Armstrong though..

"I-I..uhm, yeah" Joenna said, trying to find the words she was looking for. The look on her face was priceless, and I couldn't help myself.

"Yeah, I think little Joenna wouldn't say no to her precious Billie Joe Armstrong" I teased and I could see the red creep up her neck. I smirked as she looked down, trying not to blush. Such an adorable woman, not gonna lie.

Cavallo just smiled though, chuckling. "Oh, I see, I see. You might want to get a meeting with him, then? Our record label has other great contacts for the music I think you're into" he said and smiled.

"Are you from the same label as Mike?" I asked and Rob shook his head.

"No, no I work for Warner Bros." he explained. 


The meeting was short, but business-like. Joenna agreed to meet them in their studios later this week. She was meeting with Bendeth first, since she was really interested in meeting Paramore. I'm almost positive that she's saying yes to his offer. And Cavallo, he had a lot to offer her as well. She knows that as a songwriter it's better to be signed to more record labels, so I think she's considering Warner Bros as well. I don't remember where Bendeth worked, but it was some british shit. So, Joenna was meeting him and Paramore at Capitol Studios, which is the studio where we were recording HTTK, instead of going all the way to UK just for a meeting.

After saying goodbye to the three music producers, we headed home again. "So, what do you think?" I asked, looking at her. She was smiling like an idiot.

"Uhm...that this is fucking unbelievable?" she said and I laughed. "They have some pretty good offers. So, for the moment they're both heading towards 'yes', but we'll see after the next meetings" she said and I nodded.

We talked a lot about how amazing this was, a little bit about Green Day and also a bit bout Paramore. It was cool that she already had someone you could call a fan. Amazingly enough we didn't bump into any fans on our way home, only a dude that asked for an autograph and told me we were amazing. Hell yeah. 

Anyways, we soon arrived at my house and I noticed I was pretty hungry. "Pizza?" I asked Joenna and she nodded, scratching her wrists.

Awh, no. Nope. Are you for real?

I sighed, walking over to her. "Jo?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled, trying to assure me she was fine. "You're scratching" I explained and grabbed her hand. I kissed it lightly and smiled. "Are you OK? Wanna talk? Pizza can wait" I said and she smiled.

"No, go order pizza. I'm starving" she said and I nodded.

"Talk afterwards?" I asked and pouted like a child.

"Sure" she said and avoided my eyes.

"You will talk to me, you know. I have fucking power over you" I said jokingly, but she didn't laugh. Ok, awkward. Go and order the damn pizza, Johnny. 

I was going to get her to talk to me though. One moment she was all happy and shit, and suddenly her mood dropped just like that. What caused that? Period? Ew, no, don't think like that, Johnny. You don't understand PMS anyways. Ok, pizza..


I'm gonna be honest with you, it took me a month to write this. Writer's block. Anyways, I came up with some shitty shit to you so I hope you're happy xD

I also noticed that this whole chapter is in Johnny's POV, so I need to remember to write in Joenna's POV next time xD

Please, VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE and I will give you a cookie! Thanks for reading, I love you lots and I'll see you next sunday!

well not really see you but....i'll write and you'll read...something like that.

ok bye


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