11-Let's record a demo

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Oh, god, seriously one of my worst chapters. Well well.


Johnny's POV

I sat in the sofa, shocked, angry and just...speechless. How could someone want to hurt Joenna? What had she done to deserve what that Trevor dude did to her? 

Rage built up inside of me. I just wanted to kill him. Torture him and terrorize him like he did to my Joenna. Rip his heart out like he ripped out hers.

Joenna came out of her bedroom, now dressed in black leggings and the T-shirt from before, except that now her wrists were covered in the usual bracelets and bands. She went straight to the kitchen so I followed her.

As she stood with her back against me, leaning over the counter, I couldn't help myself. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her, pressing my bare torso against her back. She tensed at first, but then relaxed again.

"Joenna" I whispered. She turned around, still with my arms around her, and a pair of perfect green eyes met my brown ones.

At that moment every nerve and cell in my body had to work to control myself. I just wanted to close the distance between us and kiss her. But I knew that would ruin i all, destroy out friendship and my plan. For now I just had to help her move on and believe in herself.

So, I smiled awkwardly and walked away. "Shirt" I mumbled and went to find the rest of my clothes. 


"What are you up to today?" I asked as we had eaten breakfast and was just sitting around the table chatting.

"Not much...it's not like I have a job to go to or anything" she said with a chuckle.

"Well, maybe I can get you one, then" I said with a smirk. I ignored her questioning look as I took up my phone and dialed Mike's number.

"Hey, Mike it's Johnny" I said as he answered. "Yeah, you know that girl I told you about?"

"The songwriter? Yeah, why?" Mike asked.

"I was wondering if we could record that demo...like, today?" I crossed my fingers and prayed for him to say yes. I really wanted this to happen as soon as possible. Mike was quiet or a minute, before he eventually agreed to meet us at the studio in an hour. I quickly thanked him before I hung up and looked back at Joenna.

"What-?" she started but didn't finish her sentence.

"You're going to the studio today. With me. To record a demo so that Mike can show it to some people that will get you bands and singers to work with" I informed her with a grin, and I swear her mouth dropped down to the floor like they do in cartoons.

"What!?" she half whispered, half yelled.

She stared at me in disbelief for a second, before she jumped up from her seat and danced around like a teenager. "Oh my god, thank you so much!" she squeeled as she jumped on me and hugged me tightly. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you! Oh god, are you serious? I can't take this, oh shit. No, Johnny I can't...oh my god, am I dreaming?!" she rambled and I chuckled at her.

"Jo, Jo, calm down" I said and she took a deep, dramatic breath as she closed her eyes. She opened them again and looked at me. "You got a song you want to record?" I asked. She thought about it for a while untill she nodded. "Then let's go!"

Joenna's POV

We drove to Johnny's house so he could change, and I walked around in his house as I waited. There were CDs floating around everywhere, mostly Metallica (which didn't surprise me).

Speaking of Metallica, Johnny came out of the bathroom wearing grey sweatpants and a black T-shirt with the earlier mentioned band's logo on it.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Actually, there's someone I think wanna say hi to you before we go" he said and suddenly two dogs came running towards me out of nowhere. It was a yorkshire terrier and a golden retriever.

"Peanut" Johnny said, pointing at the terrier as I greeted the happy dog. "And Toby" he motioned towards the other dog.

"So cute!" I giggled and patted them both. "Well, I think we're late, so we should go" Johnny said and we left.

On our way we talked a lot about his first recordings with the band, and another amount of time were spent on him trying to stop me from saying "no" and "I can't take this". Seriously, how could he expect me to just take his help like that? This was way to kind of him. I couldn't do this. No, I had nothing to give back. "Johnny-"

"Oh, look, we're here! Now, stop apolagizing because I want to do this for you. Get out of my car" When we walked into the studio, Mike was already there. "Morning" Johnny greeted.

"Hey" Mike said back with a smile."So, you're ready for this?" he asked and I shrugged.

"A little bit of both, I guess" I answered.

"It's going to be fine, don't worry. Got a song?" he then asked as he fixed something on the mixing table. I nodded my head and Johnny took my hand, sending me a smile. 

We started with me just playing the song for them, so they knew what they was going to work with .They both complimented me when I was done, and Mike said I had huge chances to make it. "Thanks" I said and felt my cheeks burn. I never had been good at recieving compliments. Fuck that.

Then Mike explained for me what we were going to start with and how we were going to do things throughout the day, and concluded with that if we worked hard enough, we'd be done by the end of the day. "Okay, let's start with...the guitar" Mike said and I picked up Zacky's guitar.

It was a beautiful red schecter, his signature axe. I let my fingers strum the strings once before I started plaing. It was a long time since I last played electric guitar, so it took about two hours with recording and practicing before it was perfect. "We'll edit it so it sounds better" Mike said with a smile. Yeah, I wasn't really a pro on guitar.

I also recorded the drums, my favourite instrument. I had been playing since I was 13. I could just get loose and hit stuff with  the drumsticks (yep, poor Johnny became my victim there).

The day went on, with hard working and a lot of distractions, but I loved every second of it. It was going to be the best day of my life, I was sure of it. I couldn't thank Johnny enough for doing this for me.


Partly a filler, at least the beginning, but I don't know. Crappy chapter, but hey, I'm ill. 

And it's only been 1 week of school, but I'm already hating it :( We have homework in the weekends this year...don't worry, I'll finish this story before I kill myself.

Thanks for reading, VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE if you liked it :) NU: Sunday

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