5-spit it out

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I'm really not doing good on this regular update shit....We're visiting family next week, leaving tomorrow and we'll be home by monday in a week, so here's your update; two days earlier than promised.


Johnny's POV

"Is that how you want it?" Mike asked after playing the song.

We were in the studio, and were just finished with our new song "Planets".

"Sounds good, to me" Arin commented, and I nodded. It sounded awesome, a bit different from our other songs, but awesome.

"Fucking amazing" Brian said and we all agreed.

"Nice job, Mike!" Matt patted Mike on the shoulder and we decided to go straight to the next song. We had to work really hard if we wanted to get the album done in time.

We started off with recording the drums, so the rest of us sat down while Arin did his thing.

"So," Zacky said, interrupting my thoughts about how hungry I was feeling. "That friend of yours, is she still occupying your head?" Matt was listening to Arin and talking with Mike, while Brian was tuning his guitar and swearing for himself.

"Why are you so obsessed over my friend?" I asked, annoyed over the fact that they always had to bring her up. She actually hadn't been on my mind all day, and now he had to bring her back.

"Hey, you're my little brother! I have to take care of you, you know?" Zacky said and I laughed. "And, no matter how fucking cheesy it sounds, you always get this look in your face when you're thinking about her, so she has to mean something, or what? I mean, who is she anyways?" he asked, and I didn't see any harm in telling him it was Joenna, so I did.

"Wait, Joenna? As in, the-girl-that-interrupted-our-rehearsal-because-she-wanted-to-talk-with-you-about-some-fucking-homework Joenna?" he asked and I nodded, chuckling when I remembered the scene where Joenna had bursted into the garage and demanded to talk with me. I don't even know how she found out where we were, but then again; that girl has always had her ways to find what she is looking for.

Zacky's eyes widened a bit. "I thought you were boyfriend and girlfriend back then" He cracked up laughing, but for some reason I didn't find it as funny as him. I actually smiled a bit at the thought, before I two seconds later randomly slapped Zacky gently across the face. He stopped laughing, and stared at me with a half-smile and a confused look while my hand still touched his cheek. I smiled and patted him on the cheek, before I stood up and walked over to Matt.

"You're a weird kid, you know that?" Zacky chuckled.

"You're an old kid, you know that?" I joked back, before we focused on the recording again.


After a long day in the studio, I decided to go for a walk. I didn't usually do that, but I took Arin with me and we walked down the streets of sunny California. We talked about the new album, and Arin told me he really liked it in Avenged Sevenfold. We were all used to him by now, accepting him more and more for each day that passed. He was a part of the pack now.

Suddenly I saw a familiar short haired head across the street, walking around people and trying to keep her distance from everyone as she kept her head down and hands in the pockets of her hoodie.

"Hey, I know her" I said to Arin. We walked over to Joenna and she took out her earpods and stopped the music as she looked at Arin. He smiled shyly at her, Arin being Arin.

"So," she said with her eyes still scanning Arin. "Johnny Christ and a white Bruno Mars" I bursted out laughing at her comment. The band and I had been teasing Arin since forever about his looks and similarity to the pop star, and he was getting quite annoyed with it.

Almost Easy-Johnny Christ (Avenged Sevenfold)Where stories live. Discover now