1-An unexpected meeting

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First chapter is always a bit shitty, but I hope you'll like it anyways.


"That sounds awesome!" Matt said as Brian finished the guitar solo. "And Arin, that thing you did on the chorus-we'll definitely put that in!" Arin's face lit up as Matt complimented his drumming. I smiled at him, knowing exactly how hard the guys were when they let new people in to the band. And if it was hard for me, then I couldn't imagine how it must be for Arin to fill their bestfriend's shoes. 

"Let's take it from the top again" Matt then instructed, and Arin counted down before we started playing again. We kept rehearsing and recording for an hour before we turned off our instruments and decided to go home. It had been a long day, and we were all pretty tired.

"Bye, Johnny!" Zacky shouted as we parted ways and I waved back. I got into my car and drove home to take a shower. I had to take a quick trip to the groceries later, my fridge was currently as empty as my love life...and let me tell you, THAT shit isn't exactly filled up.


I walked through the shop and tried to find the cheese. Fuck, I've been here a thousand times and still didn't know where the goddamn cheese was. Fucking L.A. I eventually found one of the workers and asked her where the cheese was. She turned around and smiled brightly at me. She was about the same height as me, short brown hair, piercing green eyes...Haven't I seen her before?

"Johnny!" the girl exclaimed and smiled even wider. Oh, maybe she was a fan? I smiled at the thought, I loved meeting fans. "Yeah" I said and stuck my hands in the pockets of my jeans. "Nice to meet you. What's your name?"  I asked politely, but that only caused the girl to frown. "You...you don't remember me, do you?" she said, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

*Joenna's POV*

Seeing Johnny again made my hear race in my chest out of pure happiness. It had been, what, 10 years or so?  He was wearing a plain white T-shirt, black jeans and a black leather jacket. He had gotten his nose pierced, but other than that he looked pretty much like he did when I last saw him. Except from older.

But of course, he didn't remember me.

I understood though. Unlike him I had changed a lot. I had cut and dyed my hair, make up did a little magic and also-I was wearing this uniform. "Joenna?" I hinted, hoping the name would make him remember. Johnny was quiet for a while, thinking. After a while his eyes widened in realiztion and a smile crept to his face. "Joenna!" he exclaimed and opened his arms for a hug. I ran into them and hugged him tightly. I hadn't seen him since school, before he dropped out to tour with this band from the area. 

"Oh my god, it's so nice to see you again!" he continued as we pulled away. "Even though you didn't remember me?" I said jokingly, and he kicked me in the leg. "Hey, you didn't look like this when we were in school" he offended himself. I just chuckled. We started to walk towards the cheese as we talked about how we never thought we'd see each other again and everything. Reuniting, I guess.

"So, how has life been treating you?" Johnny asked and I chuckled as I pointed at my uniform. "Obviously not that good, seeing as the only job I could get was working in the groceries". I tried to avoid the anxiety that kicked in as I started to think about everything that really had happened since me and Johnny were friends. "Hey, you all right?" Johnny asked worred as he saw the look in my eyes, and I just shrugged it off. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about something. Nothing important....anyways, I see life has been treating you extraordinary" I said and Johnny smiled shyly. "Yeah..well, ups and downs there is, but it's all worth it. We're living our dream". His brown eyes shone with happiness, and it was easy to see that he loved his job. 

"I'm sorry, by the way" I quickly add, as I realized what he might have meant when he said "ups and downs". Johnny looked at me. "For Jam-...I mean Jimmy". I was unsure whether to call him James or Jimmy, but Johnny smiled a sad smile at me anyways. "Yeah" he whispered. 

We arrived the stack of cheese and Johnny thanked me as he picked up one. "Well, gotta go help other people find their cheese as well" I said and sighed. "But, I guess I'll see you around?" Johnny nodded. He then took up his phone and handed it to me so I could give him my number. I typed it in and saved it, before I gave it back and hugged him once more. "Bye" I said when I turned around. "See you"


Hellooo! Please vote, comment and share this with your friends if you liked it :) I want this story to be as good as possible for you, so please let me know what you think. Also, if you want to make a cover for this story I would love you to pieces!

So, a little basic information; Joenna is played by either Kimberly Wyatt or Ahley Green. I don't know yet, but of course you can just let your imagination run free and make up your own :). The story takes place in L.A, I don't know where they recorded Hail To The King, but I just chose L.A because, well, so many other artists and bands record there so yeah...Any questions, feel free to ask :)

Twitter: @Music9 9cisuM

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