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Johnny's POV

"I really like you"

I don't know if it was the alcohol that made me so cheesy, but I pulled Joenna closer and kissed her passionatly, trying to get all my emotions in that one kiss. It wasn't the best kiss, the alcohol affecting it and shit, but it was a kiss. 

"I told you, I like you too" I whispered as we pulled away. She smiled and pecked my lips one more time.

"What are we?" she then whispered, taking a new sip of her beer. I cocked my head as I looked at her.

"Drunk" I concluded. She rolled her eyes at me, which only made her a bit dizzy so she stumbled into my arms.

"You're right" she giggled when she was on her feet again. "Maybe we should talk about this sober"


Joenna's POV

"Ugh" I groaned as I opened my eyes. Everything was blurry and my heading was throbbing like a motherfucker.

I tried to sit up, but failed, so I just looked around in the room to try and find out where I was.

Johnny was laying next to me on the floor, and Arin was laying on the couch with his wife, Kimberley. I didn't talk much to her last night, but a few words were exchanged and I found her quite funny actually. My eyes wandered over to the other couch, where Zacky's girlfriend was laying with her back facing me.

"Hangover's a bitch" a tired voice said from behind. I didn't even bother to turn around, I already knew it was Zacky.

He handed me a glass of water and some aspirin.

"I swear to God, I will kill myself if this head banging doesn't stop" I whined as I downed the pills.

"I'll shoot you if you shoot me" Zacky suggested and I smiled. I didn't dare to laugh, might make the headache even worse.

Johnny shifted next to me and soon we heard him groan a "fuck". "Morning to you too, sleeping beauty" I whispered. Zacky went to get some more water (no pills because apparantly he liked to torture his friends in these situations).

Johnny snuggled up next to me like a little child, before he sighed heavily. "Honey, we forgot to feed the cat". I frowned at him, more confused than ever. What did he actually take last night? 

He still had his eyes shut, afraid to meet the bright light. "What?" I asked.

"That's a codeword for "shit, the dogs"" Johnny mumbled, opening his eyes a tiny bit, but then shut them again because the light was too overwhelming.


After a lot of groaning, swearing and a shit load of water we were finally back at Johnny's place, feeding Toby and Peanut. "I seriously need more time to these guys. Or else I'll need to give them away or sell them" he sighed as he looked at his two kids and scratched his neck.

"I can help you? I mean, when you're in the studio or doing whatever the fuck you and the band do I can take care of them?" I offered. Johnny looked at me.

"Would you?" he asked in disbelief.

"Of course I would, you're my friend and they're adorable" I chuckled.

"God, I love you" he said as he hugged me and smiled. 

"Well, I gotta take a shower" he said as we pulled away. "Yeah, you reek" I scrunched up my nose and ushered him to the bathroom (but not before I had catched the finger he gave me before shutting the door). "What? You do!" I complained and heard him chuckle from the other room.

Rolling my eyes, I went to the kitchen. I was really hungry and the hangover was already wearing off. See, I was a lightweight and got drunk quick as fuck, but recovered just as fast. I made myself feel like home and made some sandwiches.

20 minutes later Johnny came out, clean and with new clothes on. A white T-shirt with a skeleton and some baggy sweatpants. "You can shower here if you want, so we spare time, and then we can take the dogs and walk to the studio" he said as he looked at the clock and I nodded. He handed me some of his clothes, and after I showered I put on one of his metallica Tee's and black sweatpants.


"Here, take Peanut" Johnny said, giving me the leash to the Yorkshire Terrier and we headed outside.

"So, what are we going to do today?" I asked as we walked away from the house and towards the studio. "I don't know really. I guess Mike has some plans for you, maybe introduce you to some of the producers and stuff" Johnny replied with a shrug. 

Suddenly we heard a scream not too far away as soon as we rounded the corner, and shortly after someone was yelling "Johnny Christ!"

I felt my heart beat faster, and my palms got all sweaty as a small group of people in different ages approached. The youngest of the girls, might be around 14, were all starstruck as their eyes flickered between me and Johnny.

"Oh my god, Johnny we're such huge fans!" the girls said. Then one of the men, in his 20's I guess, reached out to show Johnny some death bat on his arm. "Dude, you're awesome!" he said and his girlfriend nodded. "Amazing music" she agreed.

Johnny handed me Toby' s leash so he could take the man in the hand. "Thanks! Hey, awesome tattoo!" he pointed towards the death bat. 

"Got yourself a girl?" a bearded man said and pointed at me with a grin.

"Well, no...or...I mean, I think...no we just..." I stuttered, trying to explain myself, but my fucking anxiety came back. Johnny took a hold of my free hand and sent me a smile.

"No, not yet at least" he answered the man, smirking slightly. 

"Awww, I ship it!" one of the girls said, a tall brunette with a Green Day shirt. Some of the others, mostly the younger girls, agreed. "What's your name?" they asked.

"Ehm, Joenna" I answered awkwardly. Wow, I'm such an adult.

"Joenna, Johnny...." a boy thought out loud. "JJ" he said and smiled.

"I think Arin called us JoJo once" I remembered and the crowd awed again.

"Hashtag JoJo" the same boy said, mocking a teenager girl and made kissing sounds.

Johnny signed a few phone cases and other stuff and took a few pictures before we left. That's the thing I had always loved about these kind of fans, the ones that weren't like those obsessive teenager fangirls. instead of screaming and crying and basically raping the poor band members, they owned respect and casually had a conversation with them instead, asking politely for an autograph or a picture and also thank them for everything. And when the guys said they had to leave, the fans understood and let them leave. More grown up fans, I liked that. 

Made me feel a bit more secure, as if this was practice if I ever made it in the music industry. I mean, who knew what Mike could arrange for me?


I don't even know anymore.

Thank you so so so so so much for reading, remember to VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE with your friends if you liked it!

I LOVE FEEDBACK SO PLEASE GIVE ME SOME yea? And be 100% honest; have my writing gotten more boring? Cause I feel like it's not as good as it used to be...:/

Thanks ;D

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