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Johnny's POV

Today lots of other workers were here too. We were done with the recording, and now they just had to put it all together and make it sound good. So me and the guys went out in the meanwhile. I didnt go to Joenna though. I didn't know what to say to her after the kiss we shared last night. So I hung around with Zacky and Brian, going here and there just talking and smoking.

We met a few fans though, which I loved. We signed loads of phone cases and other random things we could write on, took several pictures and chatted with most of them. We even went home to feed and cuddle with our dogs.

Brian ended up bringing Pinkly with him back to the studio.


"What time is it?" Arin asked. He was half asleep in the couch, bored to death by the boring days in the studio. Pinkly was laying in his lap, snoring silently. Matt quickly looked at the clock, but instead of answering he just widened his eyes.

"Shit" he exclaimed as he started walking towards the door. "Promoting guys!" he informed and we all rushed to the interview.

Larry, our manager, was waiting for us by the area we were having the promoting shit. "You're late, you're going to be out there in half an hour" he said a bit annoyed. We apolagized and said we were in the studio. "No time for excuses, go and get ready!" he chuckled as he pushed us away.

Eventually we walked out and sat down on the five chairs that were placed in front of a big crowd of journalists. A bit further away from them a bigger crowd of fans were. There was like a "main" interviewer with us, but she asked the journalists for questions.

"Are you excited for the release?" one of them asked and we all nodded. Duuh, of course we were! "Yeah, we can't wait for the release!" Brian said. "All the support from our fans has really been helping us".

"What about your new single? What would you say about that?" a man asked. "It's definitely us" I said. "It's just the next progression. This is probably the heaviest record that we've put out -in it's own right. It's been a great response for the single so far, which I feel is a good way to see what the rest of the record is going to sound like. There will be some more surprises in there for fans," I looked over at the crowd of fans and grinned at them, "but overall I'm just excited."

"Question for you, Arin Ilejay, how has it been making your first album with Avenged Sevenfold?" a journalist asked. As Arin answered the question, I let my eyes wander through the crowds.

And there, with some distance from the interviewers, journalists, fans, security guards and the whole package, stood a tiny, short haired girl hugging herself. She was wearing an Asking Alexandria hoodie this time, along with her favourite ripped jeans.

Apparantly Zacky followed my gaze as he poked me in the side and smirked. I smiled shyly and looked away, acting like a fucking teenage girl (and I knew that with this kind of behaviour I was going to get soooo teased) but I really didn't want Zacky to mention Joenna right now.

He kept quiet about her, and after an hour or so, the interview was over. We walked to the fences to greet some of our fans, and I waved at Joenna. I knew she wouldn't want to come over to me when there was so many people around, but she waved back as she stayed on her spot, trying to disappear into the ground.

After a while the security guards closed the area and the fans had to leave. Well, all except from Joenna.

"Hey" I said as she walked towards us. I hugged her quickly and kissed her cheek. "Hi" she said back, both to me and to the rest of the guys.

Joenna's POV

Johnny kissed my cheek and I immidiatly blushed. I think I needed to get that checked up. Could too much blushing be dangerous to your health? Then he pulled away and stood next to me, taking my hands and intertwining our fingers.

And well, let's just say that the "butterflies" in my stomach were having a heavy metal concert by then.

"What's up?" I asked the band. "I'd like to know that as well" Brian said and looked at mine and Johnny's hands. Johnny just shrugged at it, like it was no big deal.

"That's not up, I'd say that's more south" he said.

"Just like something else is" Brian commented and Johnny blushed lightly. "Or...?" Brian smirked.

"Yes, south."

Brian continued to smirk. "You sure it's not a little bit north?" Brian teased but Johnny just rolled his eyes. "Pervert".

"OK, enough about Johnny's dick and which way it's pointing, let's talk about you!" Matt exclaimed and pointed at me. "You're an amazing songwriter!"

I looked up at Johnny. He showed them, that bastard. Note to self; do not trust Johnny Christ or Mike Elizondo. "Thanks" I mumbled anyways, looking back at Matt. He just patted my head and showed off his dimples.

"You'll get a deal faster than you can say "Johnny's more north than south" Brian said, and that's when Johnny let go of my hand to run after his friend and beat him up. Friendly fight, you know. 'Cause, it's completely normal for two grown up men to still do that. Also completely normal for two grown up men to talk about dicks as if they were 12.

Matt noticed a woman walked with a little child in her arms, and with a big smile he waved at them and went to meet them. "His family" Zacky explained.

I looked at the little family and smiled. He had mentioned Valary and River when we were at his house and I met the band for the first time.

Matt kissed the blonde woman before he took the little boy in his arms and said something I obviously couldn't hear.

I couldn't help but think if I ever would experience that, though. I was 28 years old, if I wanted a family I should better hurry up.

But kids wasn't what was on my mind. I just wanted one to hold hands with, to cuddle with, kiss, hug, talk with. Someone who would be happy to see me when he came home from work. Someone who would love me day by day, and call me "his".

I wanted someone that didn't call me a whore, bitch, ugly, useless, horrible, bad. I wanted someone that wouldn't punch me when I didn't listen to him. Someone that didn't beat me up every time he was drunk.

My eyes wandered off to Johnny. He was laughing while he faught with Bri, and cute wrinkles formed around his eyes as he smiled. Brian had fucked up Johnny's mohawk during the fight, but he didn't care.

He looked so happy.

Then he glanced over at me and his smile turned into a new smile. A different smile, one that I couldn't quite read.


OK this is kind of a filler, but I want to put in some actual quotes from the guys in this story, so that's why. And also, I put it in this promotion shit instead of writing a whole chapter just for Johnny to say the things about HTTK in the right interview so yeah...

Hope you liked it :)

Remember to please VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE if you liked it! Thank you sooo much for reading, lots of love :)

Rock on, and come back for new update on sunday!

Almost Easy-Johnny Christ (Avenged Sevenfold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon