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I can't sleep and it's technically Sunday here in Norway so here's your chapter lol


Joenna's POV

I walked home with a huge smile plastered across my face.

I had signed it. I had signed a record deal with Ensign Records.

Was this even real?

I hadn't called Johnny yet, I wanted to surprise him later today.

It was currently 4.30 pm when I reached my apartment. I walked in, still with that stupid grin, and greeted my parents.

"How did it go?" dad asked, still not knowing what the fuck that meeting even was about.

"Well..." I said and kicked of my boots. "Let's just say I got a record deal"

And then I started laughing my guts out, because if you had seen their faces you would have too. Their eyes popped out of their heads and their mouths dropped to the floor. You know, exaggerated, but you get the idea.

"You..what..Joenna?" mom stuttered out and I nodded.

"I got a record deal" I repeated, and they both started cheering. They hugged me and kissed me and told me how proud they were of me and shit. It was fucking amazing to have my parents back.

"You should thank Johnny. He was the one who kicked me in the ass and told me to do something with my dreams" I said and they looked at each other for a moment, almost as if they were talking without words. "What?" I asked when they looked back at me.

"Are you and Johnny together?" mom asked. She was smiling, but her voice sounded unsure. Like they still kind of didn't fully accept him after he left. Well, I hated him for a while too, but I got over it. They needed to loosen their grip on me, it was my life after all.

"To be honest, I don't know" I said and looked at mom. "Kind of why I wanted you back".

She smiled weakly at me and took my hand. "You're never too old for boy troubles" she said and I scoffed.

"Shut up, I'm not old"

"You're almost 30" she argued.

"Are you calling me old?"

"Is that a grey hair?"

"What? No. Where?" I said and brought my hand up to my short hair. Mom just laughed at me, and I pouted. Stupid mom. "You're evil."

Johnny's POV

I hadn't heard anything from Joenna yet, but I was hoping she was doing ok. I hoped she worked things out with her parents as well.

Today was the day the album was made available for streaming on iTunes. We were pretty excited about this, to say the least. Arin was kind of nervous, in a way, since it was his first album with us. He shouldn't worry though, he was a talented kid and the fans would accept him eventually.

"So, how's things going with Joenna?" the drummer asked as we stood outside some radio station we had just had an interview with.

"She's good. She had her meeting with the brittish producer today, including Paramore" I informed.

"Really? Wow. Impressing" Arin said and I nodded. It really was. Showing just one demo of one song, and she already had two offers at her feet. And probably more to come.

Life can be easy if you're as talented as Jo.

Larry walked towards us and high fived us all. "The release is closing up on us" he said and smiled widely. "This is going to be great. But, that's it for today. You've been working your butts off for three days now, and I think you deserve some time with your families" he said and we thanked him.

Yes, I still kept in touch with my family, and called them on a daily basis, but when Larry said 'family' he really meant 'girlfriends and kids'. So, I went bact to Joenna's place, because she was the only one I wanted to see right now. And the closest thing to a girlfriend as well. What were we? We never got to talk about that..


I didn't even bother knocking on the door, I just walked straight in. I really needed to see her, talk to her. Had the interview gone well? How was her parents?

"Helluh?" I yelled into the apartment, and soon the short haired woman stood in front of me and smiled.

"How did it go?" I asked, but I didn't get an answer. I just got a hug. And a kiss. And another hug. Well, I take that as "it went fucking great".

"Hey, baby, are you telling me you've got a deal?" I asked and she nodded excitedly. I cheered as I spun her around. "Congrats!" I yelled and planted a real kiss on her lips. Like, not one of those idiotic pecks. A real one.

Until someone cleared their throat and we pulled away, turning to see a smirking Claire Johnson.

"Uhm, hi" I said awkwardly.

"Do you have feelings for my daughter?" she asked straight forward, still smirking. I felt the heat creep up my neck, but I just looked at Jo. She looked embarassed, but also nervous and..curious? I just chuckled.

"I think I just made that pretty clear, didn't I? I hope that's ok though" I quickly added, thinking about if they even accepted me after I left. They probably hated me. Whatever, I was in love with Joenna and nothing could stop me.

Wait, did I just say I was in love with her? Wow. Ok. I'm in love with Joenna Wilson. Sue me.

"I always had hope for the two of you" Claire said and now the smirk turned into a welcoming smile, as she went to hug me. "Welcome to the family, Johnny"

Well. Okay then.

Mr. Johnson also came out of the living room, shaking hands with me. "Welcome" he said, actually smiling. He had always been a very strict man, but I guess he was trying to let go of the hatred and accept me again. I appreciated that, and I think Joenna did too, cause she was smiling like an idiot.

"Thanks, mr. Johnson" I said and that's when he laughed, and slapped me on the back.

"I'm just messing with you, Seward. I don't really hate you. Call me Don".

Well. I guess me and Joenna are official now, then.


Aw. This is kind of cute.


But, guys..HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. Never in a million years did I imagine my story to get 1K reads. Thank you so so so so so so much for your reads and votes and feedback and ugh..I just want to hug you all. I LOVE YOU!!!!

NU: Sundayyy

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