19- Paramore

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His voice was tiny, quiet, only a whisper. I knew I had hurt them, I mean, I fucking ran away! With no sign, no goodbye, no explanation.

"I'm sorry" I said, my voice breaking and tears rushing out of my eyes. "I really am. I just had to...it's..I was..." I tried to find the right word to say it, but eventually gave up and just sighed.


My mom gasped, then she started crying again. I guess that's where I have my sensitive side from. "But he seemed like such a nice boy!" she wailed, and I laughed bitterly.

"Looks can lie, mom".


Johnny dropped us off by my apartment, and after I assured him I would call him before the meeting he hugged me tightly, wishing me luck.

"I love you. I really do. And I know that all this is really fucked up, and I know you're scared and freaking out right now, but I'll be thinking about you. And I know you will get through this day without me" he said and I almost melted. Seriously, when did he get so emotional and shit?

Then he leaned in and pecked me on the lips quickly, before he got into the car again and drove away. When I turned around, mom and dad was looking at me questioningly. I just shrugged, and went to open the door.

"What did he do to you, honey?" dad asked as we sat down on the couch. I didn't even bother to offer some coffee to them, I knew they would only want to talk.

"You must understand that the reason I ran away, was to keep you safe. Do you understand?" I asked and they both nodded. "I'm serious, if I hadn't ran away then he would have found ways to force you to tell him where I was. I didn't want to make you go through that. If I could, I would have told you where I went" I said, my voice shaking uncontrollably and tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. Keep it together, Jo. You need to be able to talk if you're going to explain, so don't cry just yet.

"Sweetheart, just tell us what he did to you" mom begged and I took a deep breath. And then I told them. i told them everything he said, everything he called me, everything he did to me, everything I went through for those years.

Mom cried. Dad cried. I cried. And then we hugged, all three of us.Just one massive group hug, filled with tears and sobs and apolagizes and shit.

"I'll report him to the cops" dad stated and I didn't say anything. I just nodded and thanked him. Then I looked at the clock, and my eyes widened.

"Fuck" I cursed, and wiped the tears from my face. "I have a meeting in like, an hour" I explained and hurried to the bathroom. I quickly washed my face and applied some eyeliner and mascara. Then I rushed to the room to pick out something more presentable to wear. Shit, what do you wear in occasions like this? I picked up a plain white button up shirt, and a navy blue, tight sweater.

"Mom?" I called, and she came to the bedroom. It was weird to have her here with me again, but it also made this decission a lot easier.

"Yes?" she asked. I held up the two clothings.

"Which one should I choose? It's a meeting with business people and a band" I explained. "Details will come later, I'm in a hurry"

"Take the shirt, and roll up the sleeves like you usually do. Also, black pants" she said and I thanked her before I quickly changed. Since I had no car, I had to walk to the studio, but it wasn't too far away so if I walked fast enough I'd be there in time. I told my parents to make themselves at home, before I slipped on some combat boots and walked out.

On my way I called Johnny.

"Hey, babe, did you tell them?" he asked. Babe? I like it. Ok, focus.

"Yes. Dad is calling the cops on him"

"Good. That bastard better rot in jail" Johnny said and I chuckled.

"But, uhm, Johnny?" I asked and I'm sure he could hear the pout I was making.

"Yes, Jo?"

"Comfort me while I walk to the studio?"

And he did. He calmed me down and prepared me. He told me how to act, how to answer the best, and shit like that. So, when I finally reached the destination, I was much calmer than I had been when I left the apartment.

"Good luck" Johnny wished, before he hung up.

I greeted Bendeth and he walked me in to the studio, introducing me to three other people: a red haired woman named Hayley, a brown haired and bearded man named Taylor, and another brown haired and bearded man, only this one had blue eyes and was named Jeremy.

"Pleasure to meet you, you rock!" Hayley said and I smiled at her, thanking her.

"You do too, I see. I heard some of your songs, and it would be awesome to work with you" I said and they all cheered. The three bandmembers sat down in the couch, while Bendeth gestured for me to sit down by the control table. There were other chairs there as well, but he chose to stand up.

"So, have you thought about the offer?" he asked and I nodded,crossing my legs and leaning back in the chair. "Great! I need to call my boss though, and let you talk with him" Bendeth informed me.

While he went outside to talk to his boss, I took the time to get to know my possibly future clients. Wow, that sounded weird. My future clients. Hell yeah, I'm actually doing this!

"So, how long have you been writing songs?" the blue eyed man said. I'm pretty sure that was Jeremy.

"Uhm, for as long as I can remember" I said and chuckled. "But I didn't start writing really seriously untill high school. And after that I just couldn't stop"

"Well, you're really talented. And I've only heard one of your songs!" Hayley said and grinned. I just smiled shyly, telling myself that I needed to get better on taking compliments. Then I got an idea.

"You wouldn't mind singing it, would you? Like..now?" I asked. After hearing some of their songs, I actually agreed with myself that the song would suit her voice perfectly. Hayley shrugged.

"Well, I don't really know the words.." she said and I mentally facepalmed myself. Of course, she had only heard the demo. You don't learn the lyrics by listening to a song only once.

"But I think I remember enough of the first verse" she said and I smiled again. "Would you?" she said and gestured towards an acoustic guitar behind me. I picked it up and started strumming. And then Hayley came in with her beautiful voice.

"No sir, well, I don't wanna be the blame, not anymore

It's your turn, so take a seat

We're settling the final score

And why do we like to hurt so much?

I can't decide, you have made it harder

just to go on

And why, all the possibilities

Well I was wrong"

Then I sang with her on the chorus because apparantly I got a shot of confidence out of nowhere. We stopped, and then her bandmates clapped for us.

"Yes, sir, that was her and miss. Williams" mr. Bendeth said from the door. We turned our heads towards him and he smiled, giving me a thumbs up.

"Here you have her" he then handed the phone to me, and I pressed it to my ear introducing myself.

"Want a record deal?"


Just letting you all know that Hayley Williams is fucking perfect and my number 1 woman crush 😍😍😍

Anyways, this story is actually coming to an end :O I THINK it will be 25 chapters, +epilogue. Probably a little less than 25. We'll see. Anyways, hope you liked this chapter and thank you so much for reading :D

Remember to VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE. Next update: Sunday.

Almost Easy-Johnny Christ (Avenged Sevenfold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن