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Ariana's Pov

*day before the wedding*

For the past few weeks I haven't been feeling too good. I've been feeling dizzy and throwing up a few times. While Justin is in the studio I decide to go to the store and buy a pregnancy test. I know we said we were going to wait till tour was over, but we could have just forgot to use a condom. I put on a hoodie and sunglasses even though it's dark outside. I don't want anyone to know that I'm buying a pregnancy test.

After buying the test and receiving a weird look from the cashier I go back home. Thank god Justin isn't here yet, I say to myself. I go upstairs into the bathroom and take the stick out of the box. Then I pee on the stick and wait a few minutes.
"Oh my gosh. I'm pregnant." I have to figure out a cute way to tell Justin.
"Babe, I'm home." I hear Justin. I run out to him and give him a hug and kisses.
"Are you ok? You're usually never this happy."
"Today is different. I just love you so much babe." I give him a tighter hug.
"I love you too." He kisses me on the top of my head.

We arrive at the wedding and see some people taking pictures of us and whispering to each other. I hope the paparazzi doesn't find us. Th location where the wedding is at is really pretty. It's a little windy, nothing too crazy. We all stand up as we see Marissa walking down the aisle. When she reaches us she looks at Justin and smiles.
"She's about to get married. Why did she look at you that way?" I whisper to Justin as we sit down.

The ceremony is almost over and the Pastor begins to speak again.
"Do you Jonathan Jones, take this woman whose hand you know hold, to be your true and wedded wife; and do you solemnly promise before God and these witnesses to love, cherish, honor and protect her: to forsake all others for her sake, to cleave unto her, and her only until death shall part you?"
"I do." Jonathan looks at Marissa.
"Do you Marissa Vargas, thake this man, who now holds your hand, to be your true and wedded husband; and do you solemnly promise before God and these witnesses to love, cherish, honor and protect him, and him only untill death shall part you?"

Marissa stays silent for a few seconds and everyone is confused. She looks up at the Pastor then to Jonathan. "No. I don't." We all have our mouths open. Why did she say no?
"Why not? You were so happy to get married." Jonathan says.
"I'm pregnant and you're not the father." Gasps are heard by everyone. I was not expecting this to happen, no one was.
"This just got crazy." Justin says. Marissa turns around and walks towards us.
"You're the father Justin." I froze for a moment. Before Justin could say anything, I let everything out. I was infuriated.

"I knew something was wrong with you from the moment I saw you! What kind of sick joke is this? Why would you make up something like this?" I yell. From the corners of my eyes I can see people with their phones out, recording.
"All this time Ariana said these things about you and she was right. I know damn well that I am not the dad." Justin says in a loud voice.
"That day you got drunk at the club, I took you to my house so you wouldn't drive home. Once we got there, you were telling me the sweetest things ever, you took your shirt off and things happened between us." I don't know whether to believe her or not. She could be making this all up.
"Stop lying you told me that nothing ha------." Justin is cut off by Marissa.

"I have proof. Savanna give me the results." One of Marissa's bridesmaid's gives her a folded paper and hands it to me. I open it and start to read. It's Justin's baby.
"How could you do this to me?" I start to cry. "I never want to see you again! We're done." I push him away and run off.
"Ariana wait! Let go of me." I hear him scream. Before he can reach me he's stopped by the paparazzi outside the venue and I drive away.

So that just happened! Bet you guys were not expecting that lol
Hope you guys liked it!! Thank you for reading ♡♡♡

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