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Justin's Pov

"I'm lookimg to see what else your hiding from me." I decide to just let it at out, she was going to be exposed sooner or later. Marissa gives me a confused look.
"What are you talking about Justin? I'm not hiding anything from you."

"Bullshit. I know that I'm not the father of your baby. I found the papers under your mattress and don't even deny it." Her face is like a tomato as she tries to make an excuse. I can't believe I never saw this coming. How could I have been friends with her in high school?

"Let me guess you already ran to Ariana and showed her."
"Yeah, I did. It was the best day of my life and you want to know why? She's also pregnant. The only difference is that I'm actually the father. She found out the day before your 'wedding'." Marissa rolls her eyes at me getting angrier. She tucks her hair behind her ears and starts to laugh.

"Then why haven't you left me already? Why are you still here?"
"I need to know that I didn't have sex with you the night of the club." I say.
"You didn't, but she will never know the truth." Marissa sits down on the bed with a smirk on her face. My hands turn into fists when I hear her say that, but I keep calm. Oh how I would love to wipe that smirk off but I can't.

"No matter how many times you tell Ariana that I told you, she won't believe you."
"Well then you're coming with me." I grab her by the arm making her stand up. "You're going to tell Ariana the truth." She pulls away and starts to yell.

"Like hell I am! She's never going to find out, you're stuck with me." I grab my phone from my pocket and pull up the pregnancy picture I took.
"Either you tell her or the whole internet finds out the truth about your pregnancy."

"You wouldn't do that?" Her face quickly changes into worry knowing that she will instantly be hated by everyone.
"Try me." I start typing explaining how the date doesn't match when we supposedly had sex. "I just need to press this button and everyone will find out." I say, my thumb over the share button.

"Alright fine. I'll tell her, but I want money." Of course she does, that's all she ever wanted from me.

Ariana's Pov

Justin: I'm coming over right now

I read Justin's text furrowing my eyebrows together. Good thing my mom left, she would not habe been happy to see Justin. My mom was so disappointed by what he did to me.

"That was fast." I say to myself getting up to open the door. "Mac, what are you doing here?"
"I came t-." Mac starts to say, but he stops when we hear a car door close behind us. Crap, Justin's here, but he's not alone. Why the hell is Marissa here as well? What is going on?

This is not going to end well.

Hope you like this update! Next chapter is going to be intense... ♡

Mark My Words  {Sequel to 'Is There Such Thing As Jariana?'}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz