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Justin's Pov

I've been waiting for this moment for such a long time. Just like the first kiss, I felt the same spark, same emotion. I couldn't be any more happier right now. I'm going to have a baby, part me and part Ariana. I'm not gonna lie I would have loved to know sooner about her pregnancy but I understand why Ariana didn't tell me.

"I have to go." She says breaking the kiss. "I'll let you know when my next appointment is which will be finding out the gender of our baby." I smile at her words. 'Our baby', I can't wait to find out if we're going to have a girl or boy.

"See you soon then." I open the door for Ariana and watch her walk to her car. Tonight has been great, it's been a while since I've been happy. I'm one step closer to being with Ariana again.
As much as I don't want to go to Marissa's house, I have to put the envelope back where I found it before she finds out.

Ariana's Pov

So many thoughts are going through my mind right now. I'm happy that I told Justin that he's going to be a dad and that we kissed, but then I feel guilty that I kissed him. I'm dating Mac and he doesn't deserve that.

I honestly don't feel like doing anything today. I'm laying down in my bed looking at the ceiling. Images from last night run through my mind. Now that I'm processing everything that happened, I have one question that's bugging me. Who's the father of Marissa's baby?

A notification from twitter pops up on my phone and see that it's Justin.

haven't smiled like this in such a long time

I smile as well knowing that he's talking about being a dad. My smile quickly fades away as I read the replies. Honestly, fans can be so cruel. Yes, what he did was wrong, but they just need to move on and stop bringing up the past. After all, it's not their situation.

"Ughh." I groan as I hear the door bell and having to get out of bed. I wonder who it could be, I'm not expecting anyone.
"Flowers for Ariana Grande." A young man with a huge bouquet of roses and sunflowers stands outside the front door. Who sent me flowers?
"They're beautiful. Thank you." I sign the paper and grab the flowers putting them on the table. I find the card and open it.

For the most beautiful mom in the world. -Justin ♡

I can feel myself blush as I hold the card towards my chest. I'm supposed to be upset at him for cheating on me, but the things he does are so cute. I fell so hard for him.

Any predictions on Jariana? Shorter chapter, hope you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading. I love you guys!

Mark My Words  {Sequel to 'Is There Such Thing As Jariana?'}Where stories live. Discover now