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Ariana's Pov

4 months and a half

Today is the day that we find out the gender of our baby. It's been a month since the whole situation happened. Everyone knows that Justin isn't the father of Marissa's baby.

I change into some jeans and a flowy maternity shirt to look somewhat decent. My stomach has grown more and it actually looks noticeable.

I feel the warm embrace of Justin's arms wrap around me.
"Ready babe?" He asks kissing me on the neck. I missed his soft lips on my skin. We've been back together for a month, but everything still feels new to me.
"Let's go." I smile at him.

"What do you think it's going to be? A boy or a girl?" I break the silence in the car.
"Girl, even though the baby kicks a lot. Maybe she'll grow up to be a soccer player. Plus I really want to have a girl. I'll protect her from everything bad in the world and I won't let her date till she's twenty." He turns to look at me. I swear my heart just melted a little after listening to him talk about our baby like that.

"You're so cute, but I think twenty is a bit too old." I shift in my seat, turning to look at him.
Justin shakes his head no. "My daughter is not going to date till she's twenty." He repeats himself.

I yelp a little as the doctor puts the cold gel on my stomach. The doctor moves the probe around my belly while looking at the ultrasound screen. I see a smile form on her face as she turns to us.

"Congratulations you're not just having one girl, but two baby girls." My eyes immediately start to water.
"We're having twins babe!" Justin says in excitement giving me a kiss and I smile at him, still speechless. I don't know who is more excited about having kids. I never expected to have twins.

"I love you girls so much." I look down at my stomach. Two little versions of ourselves will soon be running around the house playing with eachother.

The doctor gives us pictures of the ultrasound and wipes the gel off my stomach.

Next day

"What do you think of Isabelle, for one of the names?" I ask Justin as we paint the walls of our babies room.
"Isabelle." He repeats and stays quiet. "I love it, it's beautiful."

"What about Madeline?"
"We are so good at choosing names. We make a great team." I say putting my hand up for a high five. I thought this would be way harder.
"We sure do baby." His hand slaps mine. I look down at my stomach in adoration, smiling. "Babe stay like that." I hear Justin say and look at him confused.

He sets down the paint brushes then searches into his pocket pulling out his phone. I look back at my stomach and hear a few clicks from the camera go off.  Soon my phone goes off and I see a notification from Instagram, a post from Justin.

I was blessed to have one angel in my life and now I am blessed with two more. I love you and our two, soon to be babies.

My eyes start to water and I walk up to Justin, grabbing him by the neck and pulling him closer to me pressing my lips against his.

I will always be so thankful that Justin didn't sign the divorce papers no matter how much I insisted. I can't wait till our babies are born.

Sorry for the long wait, I've had a little bit of Writer's Block, but I'm back now and I was in California for my cousin's quince.

Hope you liked this chapter, this story is not over yet. ♡

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