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Justin's Pov

"I told you Ariana, I'm not signing the divorce papers! How many times do I have to tell you?" We've been on the phone arguing for about 15 minutes. I received the papers today in the morning totally unexpected.
"Justin, I made it very clear to you that we're done since the day I found out you cheated on me and that you're going to have a baby. There's no more Jariana, we're over." She says raising her voice. Before I could say anything else she hangs up.

I told Ariana that I was going to prove to her that I didn't cheat on her and that Marissa's baby is not mine. No matter how long it takes me I'm going to prove it. My phone starts to ring again, without looking to see who it is I answer it.
"Hey babe, are you on your way home? I bought something for our baby, I want to show you." Every time she calls me babe I want to throw up. I should have listened to Ariana when she warned me about Marissa.
"Yeah, I'm almost there. I got you some ice cream for your cravings." I say in a happy tone.
"Aww you're the best." I quickly hang up and get in the car to go to the store.
Ariana's Pov

After that argument with Justin I go to the studio to get my mind off the situation. I won't stop bothering him until he signs the divorce papers, but for now I need to calm down. Getting agitated is not healthy for the baby. Today is going to be a good day and making music for my fans makes me happy.

I grab my green smoothie and get in my car. Scooter is meeting me at the studio to talk to me about the next few months and because he also wants to listen me sing.
"Hey Scooter, how are you?" I smile at him.
"Good, how are you?"
"A little annoyed, but being here will make me feel better." I tell him the truth. "Justin won't sign the divorce papers, he refuses to. He's already moved on with Marissa." I explain. We continue talking about the situation for like 20 minutes. Hopefully Scooter is able to talk to Justin to give me the divorce.

After about 5 hours in the studio and talking about my music I leave the studio and go to the store to by some groceries. Before going in I put on a black hoodie and sunglasses on so people don't recognize me. I know it's dumb to go in a store wearing sunglasses but I kind have to.

After getting everything that I needed I start walking to my car, but then I'm stopped by the paparazzi.
"Hey Ariana, how do you feel about Justin and his baby moma?" I ignore the question and try to get to my car.
"You've been hanging out with Mac Miller a lot lately, are you guys dating?" I stay quiet for a moment, but then decide to speak. "We're just friends." I pause. "For now, we're taking it slow. I don't want to get my heart broken again." I say throwing shade at Justin. Paparazzi starts to get crazy and starts asking more questions, but I stay quiet.

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter. ♡ Next chaper I'm going to fast forward a few months.

Mark My Words  {Sequel to 'Is There Such Thing As Jariana?'}Where stories live. Discover now