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Bryson Amelia Taylor

Bryson Amelia Taylor

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"Cheating asses. "Phoenix mumbles as he throws in his cards. Rylan, Carmelo , and I laugh. It was a little past midnight and We were all engaged in a friendly game of Uno and Nix lost fair and square.

"Don't get mad, get glad. "Melo chuckled. Phoenix flipped him off and stood from the table.

"I'm getting tired of Uno. Les do something else. "Nix announced.

"You mean you're getting tired of getting yo' ass whooped. "Rylan corrected with a light laugh. Nix flipped him off too.

"You guys wanna go out? Just drive somewhere?" Melo suggests. Nix agrees and so does Rylan.

"I guess so. "I add with a shrug.

"How about we go to the park? We could play a lit ass game of hide and go seek. That shit fun as fuck in the dark. "Phoenix says. We all agree and we quietly make our way out the door and pile in Rylan's car.

As fun as hide and go seek sounds in the park at night, it's not

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As fun as hide and go seek sounds in the park at night, it's not. Why in the hell are parks all fun and games during the day, but creepy at night? It makes zero sense.

"Who gave parks permission to be this creepy at night?" I whisper as I cling on to Rylan's arm. My head never stops moving as I look around. There's no telling what creepy motherfucker could be lurking right now.

"Calm down," he whispered back,"it's a neighborhood park. People are all around so if anyone is here to kill us, it's not like we're eons away from civilization. "

Melo clapped his hands. "So! Who's counting first?"

"Not it. "Nix and I sat in unison. Melo shrugs.

"I'll go first. Y'all niggas got thirty seconds. That tree right there, is the base. "Carmelo says before covering his eyes and counting backwards.

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