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Bryson Amelia Taylor

"It's really eating me up inside and I can't fucking stand it

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"It's really eating me up inside and I can't fucking stand it." I cried to Aria. She nodded and rubbed my back in small circles.

"Knowing that what you did was seriously messed up is a good start to getting things back to normal. "

"I knew it was bad from the start. I knew how Rylan felt about Melo. Finding out that Melo was his brother only added to the guilt. " I sniffle. I snatch more tissues from the box and wipe at my running mascara. I feel like shit; I look like shit. I just got back in Orlando about three days ago and I needed someone to talk to after all my sulking. So I went straight to Aria's house. Running make up and all.

"And he tried to avoid me when I was getting my things. Rylan wouldn't even look at me. It was like I was some stranger to him. Almost as if I disgusted him. "

Arias face lit up as if she had a genius idea. "It's okay. Maybe you can fix this. After all, you were his everything. You meant a lot to Rylan. "

I scoff. "Fix it? I violated his trust. With Rylan, after you fuck him over, that's it. No more chances or anything. You are officially dead to him. "

"Melo didn't have his trust either, but..." She trailed off. I looked up at her.

"But what?"

"Once Rylan saw a reason to instill any type of trust in him, he did. "

"And you think I could gain back almost 4 years worth? I didn't think so."

"Oh come on. Rylan's hated Melo longer than he's been with you. Look at your odds, Bry. It's not like you have anything to lose. "

"Because I already lost it?" I ask. She sighs and shakes her head 'no'.

"Did you even try to make things right with him?"

"Yes! I tried twice. The first time I tried, he basically said 'fuck you' and drove away from me. The second time went better, but I..."

Aria raised an eyebrow. "But you?"

"I had the stupid idea that seducing him would work, but it didn't. Then I kind of went off on him in a sense. "

"Went off? Oh my gosh, what did you say?"

"Went off? Oh my gosh, what did you say?"

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