We're neighbors?

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As the bell rang I walked over to my locker and put my books in. Just before I closed it my fingers were closed in the door. I let out a scream of pain and looked up to see Andy laughing with Ashley.

"I told you I wasn't down with you," Andy said getting serious. I held my hand in pain trying not to cry.

"So is one of them your boyfriend or are you just hooking up with both of them?" Ashley asked. I looked up in confusion but didn't say anything.

" I bet it's both she would have to pay for anyone to be her boyfriend." Andy said with a wicked grin on his face. All of a sudden Andy grabbed by shirt and in one swift move he grabbed my shirt and pulled me forward then pushed me back into the locker. My head slammed into the metal with a loud bang and I saw black dots begin to flood my vision. I slid to the ground and felt Andy and Ashley start punching and kicking me but I didn't feel it much before everything went black.


I woke up with a pounding headache and throbbing ribs. I looked around and saw that this wasn't the school or even my house. I was in a house just not mine, I was on a couch in what looked to be a living room. I sat up and felt even more pain. As I try to stand I wobble a bit before standing straight up. I look down and saw a note sitting on the coffee table.

'we found you passed out at school so we brought you to our house, hope that's ok. We went out to get some snacks we should be back soon. P.s. I figured it was that Andy dude that did this so there's some asprin and water in the kitchen,
Vic and Mike'

I sigh and set the paper back on the table and walk over to the kitchen. I take the asprin and drink some of the water. Soon after it hit me. Mike and Vic found me, what where they still doing there, why did they take me to there house, questions spiraled my mind. I have no idea where I am or how far I am from my house.

After a few minutes of pacing back and forth I heard the door start to open. I went back over to the couch and sat down. The door swung open and in walked Vic followed by Mike.

"Hey you're awake, so what happened?" Vic asked. I panicked trying to come up with an excuse on the spot.

"Ther-there was a wet spot on the floor by my locker and I slipped and hit my head on the wall before I fell to the ground." I said trying to sound convincing but failed. Damn my stuttering.

"Mmhm, well we bought some snacks if you wanna hang out and watch a movie or something." Vic said thankfully changing the subject.

"Uhh, thanks for the offer but should probably get home, um so I should go. Could I get my backpack?" I asked just now realizing it was gone.

"Oh yeah it's cool maybe some other time and hold up I'll get your bag." Mike said walking out of the room. After a minute he walks back in with my backpack.

"I'll walk you out," Mike said handing me my bag. We walk out the door but he stops me just as we step out.

"I know that's not what happened at school, I saw bruises on your arms when I was carrying you here, so tell me what really happened." He said with a serious tone. He carried me?

"It doesn't matter,"

"Yes it does."

" I'm fine really, I'm good nothing happened except for what I said happened so what ever you think happen just forget it please,"

"Fine, but I still don't believe you," he said giving up.

I turn to walk down the short steps but then it hit me. I turned back to Mike.

"We're neighbors."
Did you like it? What did you think of that surprise at the end? And also why does it seem like Mike is so concerned about Rayn? So many questions. Please comment and vote. Also I was thinking of doing some kind of Q and A type thing cause I want my readers to get to know me and I want to get to know you. Tell me what you think or even put some questions that you would want me to answer in the comments, anyway I hope you enjoyed :)

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