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Walking out of the movie theater hand in hand with Andy I was listening to cc complain about how the movie was too boring and that we should have picked a different one. I kept telling him that it was his fault because he picked the movie and he wouldn't listen when we told him it was going to be terrible.

" I told you it was going to suck but you di..." I start but I was cut off at the sound of Andy's phone ringing. He let go of my hand to pull is phone from his pocket. Walking away he mumbles a be right back before answering the phone. I look over at cc confused but he's walked away to following some blonde girl trying to get her number. I roll my eyes and take a seat on the bench by where I was standing.

Looking back over at Andy and he's fairly far away from me so I couldn't hear what he was saying but by the looks of it the conversation looked heated. After a few minutes of Andy's facial expressions changing from angry to really angry, he hung up his phone and put it back in his pocket before coming back over to me and sitting. Still looking angry he rubbed his hand over his face and sighed.

" is everything ok?" I asked cautiously.

" that was Ashley on the phone, he started yelling at me telling me how much of a piece of shit I was and that I need to get my priorities straight. I don't even know what the fuck he's talking about," he says. His head still in his hands. I started to get nervous.

"Andy, I have to tell yo-," I start before I am cut off.

" she rejected me," cc says as he walks back over to us.

" who did?" Andy asks.

"That chick, she called me a loser,"

Andy muffled a chuckle before patting cc on the back.

" let's get out of here,"

I sigh knowing all the courage I had to tell andy what was going on was long gone. I stand up and take Andy's extended hand and we all head for the exit while cc still mops about that girl.

Ashley's POV

I took the phone in my hand and chucked it at the wall with such force my phone screen shattered. I was pissed. He was hanging out with her, dating her. That wasn't how it was supposed to go. I was supposed to be the good guy. I had this planned for years, we started bulling her because of me. I let Andy take the lead so that he would the worst out of all of us.  She was supposed to be mine, to fall for me. But Andy had to get in the way of that. Now I have to do something about it.

Rayn's POV

We were back at my house and it was almost ten at night. Jake and jinxx had decided to come over a few hours ago bringing a PlayStation with them so they could all play games. I was in the kitchen making pizza rolls because that was all they wanted even though I offered other things. Boys. Once the oven dinged i took them out and moved them to a big plate before walking to the living room.

"Pizza rolls are ready just be careful they're...," i couldn't even finish my sentence before they all started grabbing them only to throw them back down as quick as they could.

" hot," I finish my previous sentence as they suck on there fingers to stop the burn.

"I tried to warn you, sorry guys," 

As I went to walk back into the kitchen to get a drink I felt an arm wrap around my waist. Andy pulled me down to sit on his lap which made me yelp in surprise, but was barely heard over the sound of the video game they were playing. I look over at him in surprise only to see a smug look on his face. I smack his chest jokingly and tried to get back up but he only tightened his grip on my waist. I stopped trying and just relaxed, i watched as they played a game. It was funny to watch cc get is ass kicked over and over only for him to get mad repeatedly and then want a rematch. 

At some point we all fell asleep sprawled out in the living room. I was the first one to wake up and tried not to burst out laughing when I saw cc full blown spooning with Jake on the floor. I sat up slowly trying not to wake Andy and remove his him from my side. I took a moment to just let everything sink in. The fact that not that long ago these guys were my biggest bullies and brought me so much pain and anxiety but now, they are my friends and boyfriend. I took a deep breath and stood up stretching. I walk into the kitchen and make myself some coffee. I decide to make them a little breakfast, I made some eggs, bacon, and French toast. 

As I was cooking one by one they all started to wake up, except for jinxx which I quickly learned you don't want to wake or else you almost get kicked. But eventually he got up too and ate after much protest, he likes his sleep. After everyone was done eating they began to leave. Andy was the last to leave, he stayed a while and helped me with the dishes. Once he had left I decided to clean the mess up in the living room that was made last night. I started with the trash that was on the floor, as i was cleaning up my mind started to wander in thought. 

Is this going to last? If me and Andy broke up will they bully me again? What is Ashley going to do to me? How am I suppose to tell Andy about Ashley? Will he believe me? 

The room started spinning and I realize that I'm having a panic attack, I go into the kitchen and get a glass of water.  I try to calm down but its not really working so I go upstairs and go into my bathroom. I stop for a moment and try to slow down and think about what i would do when this would happen before. I finally decide to take a shower, sometimes that helps. I turn the water on making sure its not to hot then get in. Much to my relief the water begins to help the anxiety melt away and I begin to relax. I don't know what I'm gonna do at school tomorrow. 
















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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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