Reader X Drake "Make A Wish"

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Sitting in the cafe you watched as couples walked by, frowning whenever your 'friends' cooed over them and complained like a bunch of bitches who needed a good fuck, which you often found they were.

They are animals after all.

"Baby 5 must you always do that?" Squinting your eyes and glaring at the woman as she took several photos of single men that passed by, you eventually settled for closing them and turning your nose to the air like a disgusted noble, "what? They might come in handy later, ooh, looky at this one! Isn't it Law?" Finally listening for once, you opened one eye to see her flashing you a photo of the raven, seemingly walking somewhere in a hurry, wonder what he was up to?

"I heard from the rat's 'telephone' he has a cutie to take to bed now! Perhaps even ring material?" Snorting at the suggestion, you merely turned away and went back to your coffee, "you know I hate that kiddie 'telephone' shit, deafs and little shits always meddle with the information so you can never tell whether it's fact or fiction" slurping the scalding liquid down, your (H/C) hair frizzed in irritation, knowing that the rat's information was never wrong despite what you said, besides, Law would never invite you to such an important moment in his life even if he really was planning on getting hitched.

We never had a bond like that to begin with..

Rolling her eyes at your conversation, Violet bitterly slammed her coffee cup onto the table, "would you two stop talking about who's getting hitched and who's gotten with who? It's really making me feel left out!" Baby 5 smirked at the Hispanic woman, "aww is someone just jelly 'cause some hot blonde they fancied recently found their soulmate?" If glares could kill, the girl would have been already six feet down under.

"You two, are just sad, sad creatures" both of them turned to you, gasping at your words, "you can't just say that!" Violet whined, "yeah! (Y/N) you can't blame god for making us need sexual stimulation to be content with our lives!" Sweat dropping at her words, you glanced around embarrassed, seeing multiple people stop and stare at you all like a group of circus freaks.


"Stop causing people to pay attention to us, I don't want parents to be complaining to me if their children catch onto your disgusting habits" turning red faced from your comments, Baby 5 puffed her cheeks and turned away, glaring into a wall on the other side of the building.

Finishing your drink, you pulled out a wad of cash and stood from your seat, "wait! You're going already?" Violet frowned as you gathered up your things, "I just came to do some shopping, not listen to you two prattle on and on all day about 'the ones that got away' and shit, I don't need people thinking I'm associated with you" sending glares into your back, you heard Baby 5 whisper to the princess, "I told you she'd ditch us, she's such a cold bitch" that didn't hurt you in the slightest.

You wanted to be seen that way.


Drake moved about among the masses of innocent, oblivious people, searching each face that passed him for the one that belonged to Trafalgar Law, they were just in the middle of a heist when the raven's crew came out of nowhere and stole the goods from right under their noses, and his gang was only able to tail Law to this dense mass of pedestrians.

Although he already knew the capped enigma surely got away by now, he just couldn't help but refuse to give up the search yet, it was like some primitive part of his mind still believed there was something waiting for him here, just laying around to be found.

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